
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The conversion of unconsciousness into divine consciousness

What reality are we actually willing to create for ourselves now? Or to be more specific; What are the very best experiences that you are willing to have now?

Have them, have all of the very best experiences that you desire and do these experiences consciously so that the past, the present and the future all enjoy each of these experiences also.

For the frequencies that you do not enjoy, ask; where does the impulse for this frequency come from? Who is behind it? and who is this impulser when merged with the eternal you? Your long lost brother or sister, now found, fully recovered, fully redeemed, wholly free and freely whole.

How does all of this relate to me? All of this divinity that you wish to be? What happens to the you that is unconscious, who desires to be consciously divine? What happens to that you when it is fully merged with divine consciousness?

Regardless of what the unconscious you has done, when merged with the divine full redemption will be achieved.

Walk like a God, walk like a god, you have to if you are going to be God. You have to walk in God consciousness, no limitations from others on you.

Yes you are part of the consciousness that makes up your identity and your beingness. Yes divinity is merging with the consciousness that experiences its self as your human identity.

Where are all of these impulses to shut down our consciousness coming from? Who are they representing?

How about you being divinely conscious in your family life?


Yes, experience divinity in the experiences that you are having right now, you have always been divine and you know it. There is no becoming for you, you already are. The superior reality is the reality that is not controlled by others. Choose for your reality to be superior to any realities that you interact with.

Yes divinity will be nice, we accept. The more conscious that we are the better off we are.

Allow your body to move freely in the merger with divinity.

I allow my enemies to be divine and so they are.

Choose to have a superior reality to all realities that you encounter, there is no need to ever have a conflict with a lower reality, be conscious. When confronted with a suppressive impulse ask; Where is this impulse coming from? Who's intention is it fulfilling and what is my reality that is superior to this one? It's OK, choose your reality that is superior to this one. Open up your eternal knowing and let your divine light shine out of your body.

We choose reality that is superior to any and all of the realities that have ever seemed to impinge on our reality.

Allow all to choose a superior reality, until all realities are harmonious. We are bringing divinity into form, for your divine information.


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