
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

When you hate someone

When you hate someone, it is an indication of how far your consciousness has fallen from its divine origins. To hate someone, you must see only separation and differences between you and the other.To love, you see similarities.To love all, requires that you remember and be aware of the divine origin of all beings, seeing the physical and mental differences, as temporary conditions that will soon pass, as we all remember and return to our divine source.

When you know your divine source, you recognise that bodies are a passing moment in our eternal existence and the roles that bodies take are only actors in a divine comedy.With knowing, the seriousness of life disappears and playing your roles becomes a pleasure as you look behind the masks of others, so intent on "becoming their role" that they forget that they are only an actor, playing a part, for their own pleasure and amusement. Unless of course, you really are here to learn an "important lesson." As if divinity, when it forgets its self, has to take a body and learn lessons while in total ignorance and unconsciousness as to who and what it is in its native state. The only thing that you need to learn now, is how to wake up in the dream of reality so that your role can be well played.

If you knew that your abilities and possibilities were unlimited, would you still be willing to play a role here, or would life lose all meaning and purpose if you knew that it is really unimportant?

So, how do you as consciousness, overcome the programming, instincts, memories and conditioning of our bodies, to be fully present and conscious as the truth that we are? First you have to come to grips with your circumstances in life and take responsibility for and control them consciously. Those circumstances that you wish to keep, you make better. Those that you wish to get rid of you end.

As your life improves, you gain the ability to control the level of your consciousness. Once you know that you are consciousness separate from the reality of the mind, you meditate upon allowing your own divine consciousness to completely control your body, by allowing your divinity to transmute all creations made in lower consciousness.


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