
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Stability of mind

Stability of mind is gained through the willingness to be absolutely unstable in form, identity and conviction.

Interesting that there would be an important discussion here regarding whether any particular individual was enlightened, realized or God conscious. As all who have achieved this state in body, there are left for them, no importance's, imbalances to attend to, or causes to take up. They are therefor unlikely to be writing books or otherwise trying to change reality by taking action in the relative world.

Divine presence is transforming, it is impossible to resist and impossible to maintain yourself as you are in its presence. "You" are swept aside and all that remains is the eternal, that was always underneath the created you.

To transform is relatively simple, it starts with desire and then a choice to experience it. The trick is in where you get your input from. If you choose to go direct, that saves you from a lot of reading and discussions about who is right. Connect directly to a level of divinity that will transform you to the degree that you are willing to allow. You do this by doing it, everyone inherently knows the way and you connect to the highest level of consciousness that you can. If what you are connected to is not creating satisfactory results. You then choose to go up a level in the hierarchy and keep doing so until you are satisfied with the degree of your transformation you are having. If you would like to stay here on earth, don't go all the way.

The way to enlightenment is through the light. The way to ascension is through the ascended. The way to divinity, is through the divine and not through what anyone has ever written, said or done. All of that is just an indication of the way and not the way its self.

The enlightenment of the ascended divine, is always available directly from the source. Just keep asking for a higher source until you are satisfied with the degree of transformation you are experiencing and source will do all of the work for you.


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