
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Choosing divine manifestation for yourself

The way you want to be here is the same that you would be if instead of you, God were here as the consciousness operating your body. Regardless of the circumstances of the body currently, orient to the reality that you are perceiving from a divine awareness. Don’t allow your circumstances in life to be about you, they are the result of what has happened in the past, but just as they were shaped by your events in the past, your present and future are fully in your control.

If your life is so bad that you don’t want to be here, then allow that you who wishes to be elsewhere to know that he can be realized in a greater reality than this one, right now. Allow yourself a divine solution to the order of your life. Allow all of the past that you are to be realized into the greater reality that you are. The memories of the body do not know you, introduce yourself so that they may realize ultimate truth and thereby free your past from negatively affecting the body that you wish to move divinely in. Realize all of your limitations in life into the greater reality of divine consciousness.

You’re not at a choice point in your life decision process right now, except for; whether or not you choose to realize your truth. To realize your divinity, you have to accept the self that you are as divine. Observe your reality divinely now; you can still do this regardless of how or where you viewed it from in the past. Yes, what you are doing is making a break from the reality of what has been your present, the reality of your manhood and brotherhood with all human kind and consciousness. Your bringing in something different than that; the truth of eternity, the light that helps us realize our way home.

Let go of all of the mirroring that you did of others as you were trying to decide what to model your reality after. Your opinion is the only one that matters in regards to what consciousness your perceiving reality from. Let go of all of the realities that were imposed on you, rather than chosen by you. When you realize that that is all realities then you begin to get the idea. Realities are not where any-body chooses to be free, truly. They all wish for oppositions to test themselves against, to have a way to be proud of what it is that they have accomplished by comparison to another who has not done as well. It’s a pretty dark reality to aspire to for a divine being.

Choosing divine manifestation for yourself is not a bad thing to do, for you or for others. To be blessed with what I love, is a wonderful thing for everybody. Divine grace, believe me can save you and even me and to be saved by the divine grace that you are, you realize that your receiving the gift, the gift that you’ve become and are one. Remember you are here to better the planet, with the example that you make of how you deal with this reality in each and every circumstance. Realize that the past is all lies, all of it. Don’t let a lie control your being your truth, now in your current presence.


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