
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love it without effort

There is no need to be defensive about the eternal truth of yourself, It’s not like it is separate from you, it is you. You’re eternal truth is you, that which is looking to find it, is what is not you. You are not yourself when you are here on earth, until you find your true self that is beyond this earth and this time.

Take a real, real good look at all of those identities that you have in your head that are figuring things out for you and let them go. Just look without being one of them and when you can’t help but be one of them; keep looking until it lifts and separates you from your confusion.

It also seems that you have an almost endless number of advisors in your head, separate from you, that you listen to. Don’t listen to them, the words are uttered out of confusion, just look and know and leave the being to others.

On some level you can’t really help but be, but you surely don’t need to be all of the dense and dumb ones. Don’t take anybodies advice; you don’t need their help. How can we be divinely free in the circumstances that we are in? That is the question that is the only real question that you need to ask yourself.

We freely admit that we deserve no blessings whatsoever. We fully agree that based upon the standards that exist here of right and wrong, we’re more wrong than we are right, but even so, we are right about one thing and that is; your rightness or your wrongness here on earth has nothing to do with whether or not you can transcend this reality back to your home, native, eternal awareness, consciousness and knowing of the divine way as your way.

No one giving advice on the divine way to others in this plane of existence, know what they are talking about. To connect to the divine way you don’t need advice givers, you only need your own absolute observation that that is in fact your choice for your reality.

Anything that creates solidity and constriction within you is not a point of view to keep within you. Who is it outside of yourself that makes you not want to be yourself? Take a good look that, feel that energy and love it into dissolution. Love it without effort, love it without intention, love it simply by looking at it perfectly.

I don’t have a point of view or opinion, I only observe. Let go of your childhood reality and circumstances as having anything to do with what you choose to be today.


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