
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

John and Alisa 6

Just realize that the word God is in your awareness, you don’t have to make an effort to say it, you just notice that: there it is and it just continues to be in your awareness, without effort.

Alisa: That is something I was able to do just now.

John: I don’t know any other paths that charge you.

Any path that says: you need me, I am the only way, I am the way for you to be free and then requires your unknowing acceptance of that as a truth and a dedication of your life and money: is accepting a condemnation of yourself that your state of consciousness is “you” and needs to be fixed instead of acknowledging the truth instead, that your state of consciousness is just a habitual choice, that you can habitually choose your way out of. All self improvement groups curse you with their acceptance of your bullshit that you proclaim to the world that "you are" or that it is "your truth" and that thats where you need to start to effect change for yourself.

Well it is, by saying: yes, Ok this is me or at least appears to be and then loving it absolutely. And thats the only thing that will change it, is the absolute love of an eternally divine and aware being, that is you. When that becomes your primary mode of looking at yourself, you will be free. Not by agreeing with a self improvement course that you’re disabled and that they are the ones who can help you.

John: your disabled and you need us.

“You need us and you know what? You have probably been on this Path for 5 or 6 lifetimes and you only have got 3,832 more to go, before something indescribably wonderful happens, so get through this life as quick as you can, while your waiting for something divine to happen for you in the future.”

The divine only happens in one place and Eckhart Tolle will tell you where that is: right now, choose it now and you experience it now.

John: there has to be a scientific method though, there has to be a way to approach it in a systematic way.

That is a systematic, scientific way: I experience myself as “this” I now choose an experience of myself as what I call divine: which is a rush of freedom and awareness and knowing that is greater than “this.” Then you receive it and then you choose for more divinity and more freedom and the self realization that each time you choose it: you actually get more, is all the empirical evidence that you need to say scientifically that this is a valid process.

If you look at the problem, look at the problem, look at the problem, nothing happens to it until you say: "everything’s OK the way that it is and I’m really, really enjoying it in all of its horrific trauma," then you can’t help but enjoy that which has been disabling you and then it know longer has that power to trap you.

John: Thats exactly what Ganja would say.

Alisa: Thank you so much for having this time with us.

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