
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bless everyone to their own ultimate truth, to be able to live as your own here.

Thank you for allowing this level of truth to be expressed in your presence. It is a privilege to be with those who are open to knowing whatever it is that they need to know to realize the truth of themselves here. So, thank you for having already made that choice for yourselves because it allows me to come here freely as my truth. So, at least look at the possibility of knowing that when you look at each other: your each here for the same purpose and that is to experience the eternal truth of self while your embodied here. Not at some hoped for future moment but right now. Right now, each of you look at me: to you, God bless you to know your truth right now. Feel it, allow it to move you, allow it to move through you, allow it to embrace you, allow yourself to be immersed in knowing what it is to know, with no need to ask a single question because you already know. There is nothing that you even desire, because you know, because you lack noting. So allow the truth of you that lacks nothing, to be present here. I invite it, I welcome it and I honor that. I honor your truth and I welcome it with every reverence.  

Friends: we’ve always known, we’ve never not known our truth. We pretend at times that we don’t, but we know one thing: the truth is not what you present yourself as being. But that’s OK, you're here to experience a pretend presence, a pretended beingness: a manly human. Your here to experience that as the divine, going: ahh... so “that’s” what its like. So the real answer to the question that you have as to what the ultimate possibilities are for you is: the embodiment of the divine. Welcome it, feel it, realize that it’s yours for the choosing man. It’s yours for the choosing: you need no ones permission. There is no gate keeper except you, only you. Only you has what it takes to create a limitation so severe that you don’t know yourself divinely. 

So, it’s not anything to figure out. There is nothing to figure out, there is no eternal secret that cannot be understood by man. It’s as simple as can be: allow your truth eternally to be realized by you, right now. Feel the realization, feel the body moved and shifted as it is realizing the eternal consciousness that is you, within it, making that consciousness real and present in this reality as an embodied presence here. Because otherwise, it is only human embodied consciousness, but the consciousness of eternity embodied by man: that is the only truth that would be true here in a world of lies, if it occurred and it is available for you to choose that.

So how do we choose it? How do we experience the embodiment of the divine? How do we experience what it is for God to be present as us, as you, as me, as each other? How is it possible to experience a group consciousness of divine presence? As both self and the other: all experiencing self divinely? Just allow it to be true, allow it for yourself and it will be, allow it for yourself and experience the realization of the eternal you. 

So the parts of you that demand to be you, that are going: wow, how do I do that, I am confused?

It’s not for you to figure out, Its for you to allow yourself to know and to realize that knowing is an available choice for you. You don’t have to stay confused. So if you are confused: surrender to knowing. Thats all you have to do is to do nothing but be open to experiencing truth in the absolute nature of that which never changes. So, what does a body feel like that experiences the eternal nature of truth? What happens to a body as it senses that eternal truth has become known to it? Oh my, its preposterous of course: nothing that we have ever been told has prepared us for an actual experience of ourselves as the embodiment of the divine. But, oh my goodness: why not take a look at that and what that feels like for yourself right now? What does it feel like for a body to be the embodiment, to be the manifestation of divine consciousness? Allow your body to feel what it is to be the manifestation of divine consciousness. Feel it right now. Choose it in this moment. Mmm, Hmm, Oh, it kind of makes everything better doesn’t it? Each moment is better than the last when you choose to feel divine, to feel yourself divinely. What could be wrong with that choice? To feel divine, Mmm, yes, yes, and it’s OK because you allow everyone else to feel divine too: you wish nothing but that for everyone. You wish for everyone that you know, everyone you have ever known, everyone that you have ever experienced: you only wish for them is for the divine perfection of themselves. Should they have a momentary wish for that: it is your blessing to say, god bless you to that, brother and sister, god bless you to knowing the truth, all of you, all of you man. How could you wish untruth upon another and experience that brother as a divine being? You can’t, you can only bless everyone to their own ultimate truth, to be able to live as your own here. 

So, live as your own ultimate truth here, by being a blessing to everyone. Wow, oh boy does that change my heart, my cold, dark, damned heart. Ow, wow do I have to change for that to be true for me. Ow, wow, it feels near enough to kill me actually, but isn’t that what we have done to ourselves? Identified so entirely with the physical that we are damn near immobilized: mentally, emotionally, physically, certainly spiritually dead to our truth and yet: what a blessing it is to be our truth here. So continue to choose it for yourself. Continue to choose the blessing that is good for you and good for everyone: the blessing that brings grace and ease and glory into this reality as a personification of form. The movement into form and structure and the material world of a consciously divine awareness and realizing that our body is at home with that, at one with that. That that oneness, that eternal oneness is the only truth that there is to our consciousness. Everything else, was a confusion.

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