
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You can only confront so much darkness with a candle.

When you walk: if you’re not walking beautifully: slow down and allow yourself to be walked by beauty and grace and consciousness, where beauty and grace is the awareness of self. How slow do you have to be moving to know yourself as beauty and grace in your movements?

You have to be conscious through the full range of movement in order to move with grace and if you are not conscious through the full range of movements within your body, then you can’t go through that range of movements as quickly as you normally do because that keeps you unconscious of that which you are unwilling to confront all at once. You can only confront so much darkness with a candle, how much more darkness can you confront with a sun, my son? Any sun of mine, oh my, does it shine in the sky showing the beauty of all creation for the enjoyment of all creation by that which is conscious of self, as that? 

look up the definition of “saunter” in the dictionary and then do that and then drop your speed by half and then stop moving entirely. Be aware of every muscle in your body that moves as your body “slowly strolls” as it moves you from one place to another. It moves your point of view and changes your relationships with people or identities who are located as residing in an object: they have objective consciousness, because they have ”objectified” their self image into a physical form. And thats OK, but it is not the truth of you. You’re here to be objectified in form consciously and so you are. The question is: what are the range of possibilities for you to enjoy as an objectified consciousness? 

What is the range of conscious options that are available to us in this moment? If your looking for the ultimate possibilities for your embodied consciousness in each moment that you are aware, then choosing to be as aware as you are able to easily be, aware without straining and stressing and failing in achieving that which you desire for yourself, but instead: succeeding in the world as that which is not limited in it’s consciousness to it’s “objectified” manifestation here. So, don’t stress, you’re being here as something and that’s what you came here to experience. Congratulations, you’re doing great, it’s what you came here to experience. Congratulations, your doing great at it, but it’s, “next step” time, for you, for me, for all of us who are ready to take that step into manifesting that which it is possible for us to be here. 

Now, were not going to chart out what that is for a consciousness not capable of experiencing it. To do that would be to objectify and intellectualize a state of consciousness that you admire, but that you don’t experience as who you are and that’s the purpose of our exercise, which is: to congratulate ourselves on being who and what we are and the level of consciousness that we are here and everything else about us! Congratulations, “you are here as you are” Perfect. Perfectly well done for you to be who, what, where and how you are in this very moment. Congratulations, well done: you are you!

And now that you are you and congratulations for that once more: well done. Now that you are you, what then do you wish to do next? You are the perfect you, in the perfect place, in the perfect time of now, but there is a continuation of now as you move through life, you’re always present as you and yet, everything changes around the awareness of you: your own body grows and ages. Your physical circumstances continuously move as you change what you look at changes. So acknowledging that we are a continuing consciousness that is always in the now: we sure think a lot about the past and the future as if it has relevance and meaning in defining who and what we can be in this very moment. So, lets just say no to that and say: we choose to know in the now, right now, all we need to know so that we can easily choose right now, to be aware in a manner worthy of the divine comedy of one recovering ones awareness of self from that which it has falsely identified with, into a remembrance, a restoration, a reclamation and then the full realization of “divine self as the embodied consciousness of the body” in an easy, continuous and wonderful way. Allow your body to be walked through life, in this moment right now, by that.

Allow you body to be walked by the divine. You don’t have to figure it out, you don’t have a role to play in this, except as the willing recipient of the divine way moving you, moving through you and finally when you realize the truth of it all: moving as you. The divine, realized, as you. Allow that to be nicely done... or not. At least now you know that the choice is yours and soon you will be curious about what that is like and you will be tempted to try that which it is that opens your willingness to allow for unknown, wonderful truths to realize themselves through you adn through your embodiment here. Allow for the wondrous truths of life and love and the spirit that celebrates all the wonders of life and all life as a wonder, in such a way that life actually is experienced wondrously by you and those who you share it with.

If you are moving through life in doubt: stop moving, until life becomes certain for you and when you are certain about life, then allow the life that you are to move cleanly, clearly, consciously and gracefully through life as you. Allow yourself to be a wonder to yourself: a wonderful revelation of the truth of you as a new description of who you experience yourself as. Don’t let your circumstances matter in the least in regards to influencing divine conscious to know you intimately and for you to know it as well as it knows you. Be intimate with divinity, reveal your self to it: willingly, consciously and causally over yourself. So that you can be self aware of the divine as it relates to everything in life, so that you can know yourself as the divine knows you: divinely. Knowing the divine self in you as yourself: the self realization of the truth of you that moves through eternity: the ever divine and and always aware and conscious of self as the creator of your experience in every moment.

If you don’t like your experience of self in this moment, then stop experiencing life, until you realize the truth of yourself. Just relax into allowing the truth of self to shift you, to mold you, to change you and to restore you to the knowledge of your own truth. Allow the truth of self to be revealed to you. To be true to self is to know ones self truly and to know ones self truly: one has to know all that has ever been, for you. How else could you answer as to what influence you have had and you have been influenced by  in regards to the circumstances that you have chosen in separation throughout eternity? To experience ones self in separation as an “objective identity” thats what you are experiencing right now. Just allow that which is beyond this current expression, that which is known to you when you are disembodied and fully aware, allow that to fully merge with your body, allow the level of consciousness that is divinely causal for you, to be known by the body. 

Allow the body to be known by the divine you and as your body relaxes into the experience of you as that which fully loves it in every way: well, that might take a while, but you know what? Take your time and don’t take a step until you are stepping in style, in a fully conscious knowing that the next step that you move in reality is a consciously graceful one that is aware of itself as grace and truth throughout its entire range of movement of each body part that is participating. Allow the body to move like a chi gong master, but without needing that training. Just allow energy to express itself wondrously through the meridians of the body, through every cell, through every system and through every muscle and joint. 

Yes, you have troubles and problems in life that are desperate and need to be dealt with, but can’t you take the time in this moment that you are willing to read this or listen to this, can’t you take the time in this moment to let all that stuff be irrelevant to your experiencing the truth of yourself right now? Allow nothing to be cause over your experiencing your own eternal truth, allow nothing to cause you to change your mind that thats the experience that you want for yourself in this moment. “In this moment, I choose to be true” In this moment, choose for the same for you. “For we who desire a change in life that creates a wondrous existence for me and my wife:” choose, choose, choose. In this moment where “doing” is not allowed, but “being done” in an unknown direction that the divine is going to move you in. Quit planning for what that might be and just fully be: putty in the hands of the sculptor of embodied divinity. 

Your embodiment in the past has no place in the present for defining who you are here, for limiting who you are here. Allow your experience of who you are here to be limitless in regard to influences from your past. Allow the past to be past and for you to be present here as what is ultimately possible for you and that is: the divine creator embodied as you. 

Now, there is endless, endless, endless disagreement that that could be true for you. Especially that that could be true for me even, wow, oh, but you know what? If you just quit trying to figure it out and say: it doesn’t matter, I choose that experience anyway and then you just relax into the fact that you don’t know what that means, you don’t know what to do for that to be true for you and you just say: ahh, I am feeling it though, I’m feeling it because I am willing, I am willing to be known by the divine and I am willing to know divinely. I am willing to experience an understanding of what all that is divinely aware knows and all that it doesn’t know also. 

We will not stop ourselves from being aware of all that is relevant to the separate point of view that our embodied consciousness is here. What is it that relevant for you in your life? What is it that is relevant for you to be more successful in life than you have been? What is it for you to live here in a way that inspires you for yourself? How do you live an inspired life here? How do you know for yourself that which is inspiring both for yourself and for others? How do you know yourself as the inspiration of humanity? And if that is a possibility for you, why would you choose for anything less? Because others do not choose that for themselves? Well, they will soon enough, as soon as you show them what a wondrous experience it is to be the truth of you here. 

Be true to you, be true to yourself at least in this moment. Be true to yourself, be true to you, be true to me too. Be true to me by being true to yourself. Thank you, know yourself divinely, understand with extreme awareness all the ramifications of who you are and what you do here, as you move as life. 

So, now do what it is that you don’t want to do: and actually feel what your circumstances in life are in terms of your relationships with others. Others who are in relationship with you in such a way that they think of you and they wonder about what your interaction is going to be like with them. Are you going to do what you said? Are you going to know what to do? Are you going to know how to do it? Are you going to know how to create a successful interaction between you and the other? Re you going to know how for that to be a predictable experience that everyone has with you? Oh… to even consider the thought that that is a possibility is overwhelming for one who doesn’t know success for himself, but you know: maybe if we just stop talking about it and experience successful realization of “eternal self “as me, that that will then all work itself out without me even wondering what to do? Can we allow all the kinks in ourselves to be worked out in an evening? So that tomorrow we’re able to move through life, resolve our conflicts, cure our problems and deliver what is necessary for others so that they willingly support you? 

What do you need for you to be fully supportive of me? What do you need? What do you need? I know that I need my freedom, I need to be free, I need to be able to choose to move in another direction very easily without that being a catastrophic event for me. My life has to be set up so that changes in direction create a more harmonious life not a more stressful one. So, how can you agree with others that you are free as you interact with them in a manner that gives them predictability in knowing that they will receive what they want from you that you are willing to give them. So that is the first thing for you to find: what are you willing to give others, not out of obligation, but because you love to give it to them. What is it that you love to give others? What is it that you love to give others? Focus on giving that, focus on giving that and you won’t have to wonder how to get others to fulfill your needs and desires willingly. What do you want from me? And give me time to experience the result of what that would be, so that I can see that I can move freely and consciously with your desires. 

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