
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

If you choose for less than realizing ultimate truth here: then that will be your experience of life.

I bless all of my oppressors to divine freedom for themselves, from now to eternity.

Michelangelo, in the Pieta succeeded so completely in creating perfection, he became known as Michelangelo the divine by his contemporaries. Remember when you to were known as “the divine” by your contemporaries. How long ago was that? When was it when you were absolutely divinely free with no reason to defend yourself from anything because you could not be affected by anything outside of yourself to your detriment? 

Oh yes, you can take pleasure in and celebrate the wonders of creation of those that you interact with here. Celebrate the wonders of their creations: allow yourself to see them divinely. Don’t hold on to that need for judgement of others as being “less than appropriate,” and doubling that for yourself. 

How long has it been since you were known as the divine? As the manifestation of God consciousness with them, through you? Well, don’t condemn yourself to being less than that right now for yourself, because this is where you are at right now. 
Be here for yourself as a wonderful thing for everyone, which includes yourself. 
Be here wonderfully for yourself, 
be here wonderfully for your family, 
be here wonderfully for your friends and 
be here wonderfully for all society. 
Give of yourself in such a way that you are treasured by everyone and treasured by you, yourself, first and foremost, because it is that choice to treasure yourself that brings others to the realization that they also can know what a treasure it is to be with one who chooses for the wellness of all, blesses all to freedom, all to being a more perfect expression of self until you are completely satisfied with your level of success, your level of consciousness, you level of knowing. 

To know yourself divinely, you have to be divinely present in each moment of your life here, you have to choose to be the fullness of awareness and consciousness in your embodiment here. A complete realization of self as that creator that blesses us all to be the same, blesses us all to the experience of heaven in harmony with us, an experience of heaven in harmony, as us. Is that something that you can allow yourself to be embraced by? Can you allow yourself to be divinely embraced by the unconditional love of, you, by all that is holy? Allow yourself to open up to receiving that blessing: the blessing of you by all that is holy that you may know yourself wholly and truly as they do. 

Yes, its going to be a difficult thing to adjust to not being you in the interactions that are going to be going on here with the body, because you will be something else when you know yourself divinely and what do you think that would be actually? Each step increasing your allowance for the divine to move through you and to raise you to the awareness of the divine yourself, so that your knowledge of self encompasses all that is divine. Why would you ever choose to be less than that for yourself? 

Do some planing man, do some planning, plan your life out a little bit more in such a way that your plans for receiving what you wish for, are accomplished successfully. Allow yourself to feel your way to freedom in moving your body through here as that which handles opposition here in a divine manner, where they are supported until they choose well for themselves and others. Thats what you do with your detractors: you love them until they choose well for themselves and others. You won’t begin to choose well for yourself until you allow yourself to be fully loved by others. Because that love is already there for you, you don’t need to deserve it, you only have observe that it is in-fact there wishing to bless you with the wonders of life. Allow yourself to be blessed with an experience of the wonders of life, 
don’t shut yourself off from the wondrous experience it is here to be alive. 
Don’t let yourself get stuck in a oppressive situation that you don’t know how to live successfully as a result. 
Allow yourself to be more than that here. And of course you are talking to yourself and observing how your body responds as you choose for divine knowledge of self. How does your body respond as you consciously choose divine knowledge of self? Feel your body as you breathe, as you move and know yourself divinely there. Thats all your asking yourself to do is to maintaing the knowing of your divinity in every moment of your life. 

Know the divineness of your life. Yes, just feel it, feel it and allow yourself to move through where you are, because of its ability to free you: as you realize the divine within yourself, you are able to unwind yourself from all of those polarized battles that your body is going through, that your consciousness is dealing with in each moment. Realize that you choose for it to be better for you and so you realize that you know that you have to “cause” things to be the way that you want them to be yourself. Cause things to be the way that you want them to be for yourself. Accept that responsibility that it is your  responsibility to maintain the divine reality of life for yourself. It is for you to know the divine for yourself, so choose it and know it and show it as freedom, in you. 

Allow the divine to know that it has its freedom in you. Can you step into that? Can you walk as that for yourself: that your the one who’s here to be the one that creates a divine reality for yourself? 

Thank you God… Thank you God. Wow. Thank you God for showing yourself to me, through the tree that I pass: I know you, through the cement that I walk on and the grass that I see and that I smoke. Thank you to all that remind me of God. My gratitude to all that shows that “it knows god” through themselves. Do you know God through yourself? And if not why not? Is it because you did not know that you had that choice of r yourself? Why don’t you choose the divine as your nature? Why would you fight against that being you? 

It slows things down, doing nothing so that you can come to a conscious awareness of things as they are, where you can choose freely and receive that which you really want here. Experience that for yourself. Experience and exist as that which experiences God as themselves and knows the “Gods” all of them that are divinely conscious, wether they are known as some identity or beingness or not: they are here to celebrate that in yet another: another point of view that chooses all that God is as the identity of themselves here. Wow, the identity of all that God is as ones self. Is that what it takes to be God consciousness? Is that the final frontier of self realization? The acceptance of God consciousness as a single point of view that operates as a human being here? What would that do to a body here? How would circumstances change in that play of events? 

Look at it all clearly and you will do as I do and choose divine presence here for yourself as your experience of life here in this reality. The consciousness of the divine present as you, as you. 

God bless me, Please, to receive your love freely and fully: embracing the love of God for myself and allowing that embrace to realize in me all that God wishes for me, for you, for all of us. Its not a competition for people to try to be a “supreme being” or a “wondrous revelation of the divine.” There is no competition in that: there is mutual support, mutual appreciation, mutual love, a mutual appreciation of: wow that was nice, what you just shared with us, because we are connected to you on this level and experience all who embrace the divine within themselves. “We love you people, we love you,” the divine loves every soul here, but the divine takes its most pleasure in the souls of those who choose for themselves the same that all the wise ones would do and that is: may the divine be true in me and in you and in the holy one within us all, that we one and all: all be free, free from the insanity that seems to be life, free to express ourselves successfully here and free to know the loves of life here. 

You don’t really have to plan out your future divinely right now. All you have to do is allow yourself to realize it as much as possible in each moment, right now. The infinite moment of moving into divine consciousness from the difficult circumstances of your life, requires that you get conscious in all of those, which when you have a high degree of unconsciousness in you, its quite an uncomfortable transition if you take it too fast. So don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourself: just allow with each step that you move through life that it get better for you, that you be more aware, more conscious, more successful, more able to move successfully in life here. Yes, with each step allow it to get better for you. 

You can just focus on that simple concept, as you don’t have to decide wether you are for it or against it because you can’t really find a negative in it. So, in this moment, allow for it to get better for you than it was in the last and allow that moment to continue through time as your ongoing consciousness of more freedom in every moment of your life than the moment before, a continuous expansion and expression of the divine moving through life more and more as the logical expression of itself here. Allow the divines logical expression of itself to move here through you, Allow the divine to be present and know itself as you. In your present allow the divine to know that it is you and you are it and that all that that can be is what you choose for all that is. 

Just don’t have a problem for things getting better for you in each moment. Thats your only sin, is choosing less for self than experiencing life divinely. 
I’m choosing to experience life divinely in this moment. Thats my mantra: 
I’m choosing to experience divinity in each moment. 
I’m choosing to experience divinity in each moment. 
“I choose to experience divinity in each moment” will take you all the way there, until you are known by yourself and by others that you are present here divinely. Know that in yourself first. Thats how it is then passed onto others, you don’t pass on something thats not true about you onto others and ask them to refine it until it is. No, you experience ultimate truth within yourself and then express it as your every word and motion to others. 

“You choose to experience yourself divinely in this moment,” 
“You choose to experience yourself divinely in this moment,” 
“You choose to experience yourself divinely in this moment” in this moment, the “you” the “divine” together and one, once more at last. The union of heaven and earth, that heaven on earth may be possible. 

Allow yourself to be free now, finally and truly with the divine way moving as you. The divine way moving as you: its the most wondrous thing that could ever be true about you and about us, about everyone, because it is true about you, about me and about everyone. Just allow yourself to know more divinely in each moment. Allow yourself to show you that you’re true to the betterment of the you that you are here. 

It just keeps getting better and better, moment by moment, greater and greater freedom.    Continuously choosing to know more divinely and not to be limited by the concepts of others, by the concepts of men that are lost within us all that know not the way, but attempt to prevent those that may be upon it from experiencing the success of that path: the path of knowing the “divine way” of your way is to move today, right now, with each step a choice to know divinely that experience. To know yourself divinely in each moment. 

Where is it safe for you here? Where are you not under attack and what can you do to make it all go away and be replaced by joy and wonder? So know that that is your choice to experience joy and wonder as your movement through life. That means that you walk away from that which is not that for you. 

If what we are doing is choosing for ourselves divinely in each moment and we can begin to allow that to be our experience of ourselves, it doesn’t matter what the bodies circumstances are, it doesn’t matter what the chatter is that is going on around you by everyone and everything, you can’t allow that to negate yourself divinely in each moment. Experience yourself divinely in each moment, its not just choosing the divine, its choosing to experience this moment divinely. 
Choose to experience this moment divinely. 
Choose to experience this moment divinely. 
Experience all that is you divinely now. 
Experience all that is you divinely now.
Experience all that is you divinely now.
Regardless of any outside influence that invites you to go into harmony with its low level of awareness, regardless of what the request is from the outside is: your choice is always to experience life divinely for yourself. 

He who does not wish to be God, does not have the capacity to realize ultimate truth here. If you choose for less than realizing ultimate truth here: then that will be your experience of life. But, consider wether a better choice for you would be to experience yourself as the divine in this moment. Let your body know that you are choosing to experience self divinely here so that it can harmonize with that as well. Allow the body consciousness to know what has been chosen and that it is to experience itself divinely in this moment, because it is the expression of you in this reality. Your choice is a divine presence emanating through the body. So choose to be that divine presence emanating through the body, freeing the embodied consciousness from its delusions. Let go of the illusions that you have about life and see it for what it is and choose to experience it divinely so that you can find your freedom in these circumstances that you find yourself in here. Choose for yourself divinely, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in here. Choose to experience it divinely in this moment. I say yes to the universe to delivering money to me abundantly, yes to money gloriously, yes to money divinely, yes to money truly being there as a support for you. Say yes to money supporting you, abundantly, easily and cheerfully. Cheerfully abundant. 

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