
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The death of lies and the birth of truth

The death of the false self is not an accurate description of what happens as you awaken. There is a terrible fear that comes up when you realize that the false self is you  and that you may disappear, or be destroyed or have nothing left of self. If you have encountered this, you can gain some comfort in moving forward with your surrender to the unknown, in knowing that you cannot be made to disappear by yourself or by any another. So to be in a state of fear regarding transcending the limitations of your consciousness in your embodiment here is self defeating. The correct way to look at it is that the transmuting fire of divine presence burns off confusions, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, considerations… everything that “colors” you into seeming to be something that your not. There is not going to be a death of the false self, so you can relax about that. 

There is death of the false only, there is no death of the self. That which is false in you, is not you. That which is false in you is only your acceptance of something to be true that wasn’t and then living your life from the point of view that it is true and then having life not go well for you as a result.

The death of lies and the birth of truth is a more accurate description of what occurs in the process of awakening than the traditional description of the death of the false self. The one thing that I have realized in my own explorations is that the false self is me and so in order for me to transcend the limitations of my beingness, of my consciousness, of my physicality, means: that I have to have access to, awareness of and beingness in that which is absolutely true, both eternally and within time and space. So if you approach enlightenment from the point of view of it benin a “lightened load” a “diminished suppression of you by others,” by yourself, and then an awakening to a remembrance and experience of yourself as a brilliant, wise and loving being and an experience that is not new to you, because it is you: it always has been except for some moments in time when you accepted lies as truth and truth as lies. 

How can you be anything other than in a state of confusion and inability when truth is lies and lies are truth? If truth is lies and lies are truth, what is it that you hold onto? Neither one. Let the truth go and let the lies go too, they are both wrong. All lies and all truths are not as true as the you that you wish to be and that you are in the infinite eternities of knowing yourself as absolute truth. Knowing yourself. Its just about knowing yourself, its about being the absolute truth, experiencing yourself as absolute truth and knowing it. But, you don’t need the reference point of knowing because you have the continuous experience and the awareness that you are what you are and it’s wonderful. 

You are what you are and it is a wonder when you awaken to the willingness to experience divine wonder. The wonders of your own divine nature experienced as an expression of self.

The rule on governing others should be: until you can govern yourself to the point where others feel blessed for your presence in their life’s, you are not in a position of having the wisdom necessary to create the rules and regulations of a society that has the potential to awaken en-mass and isn’t the mass-awakening of society and of the world what we are all wishing for? So in your wish for the world to exit in a state of harmony, don’t think that that can occur from your operating in disharmony and open rebellion to life as it is here. 

If you can’t respect who and what each person is here and the wisdom that is manifest in what has brought them to this point: then you are not in a position to determine what will assist them the most, in their making that next step in embracing a greater consciousness that creates a wholeness for the other in their willing expansion of embracing all that is, with a love that is irresistible to each aspect and point of view that exists within all that is.

Why would you wish for the love that you are to be distributed in any other way than to everyone, in a limitless supply that cannot be exhausted by those who do not know their own love and so cannot share it with others? Our first and most important job in this world is to govern ourselves in such a manner that we’re a joy to ourselves and to others and when you have the ability to share that joy and to create a joyful experience for another: then my brother: you have the attention of us all. For a teacher of joy is a teacher of wisdom and a teacher of wisdom opens the door to the sublime, to the wondrous and to the miracle of a love that never ends. So remember, before you attempt to govern others: find the key within yourself to opening your heart in a lovely expression and presence of divine love. 

If heaven on earth is the goal of what you seek to experience here, both for yourself and for others: the answer to your experience of that is to look within yourself for where it is true and then to be conscious there and from there to share it with the rest of yourself that has been operating poorly. 

Feel the holiness within you as your heart opens to reveal the truth of yourself.  

Allow yourself to know that when you feel entrapped by someone else: its not the right space for you to be in. Spend your time with those who love you and encourage the love within you to be expressed, because you are surrounded by the love of the beings that you spend your time with. Spend your time awakening either alone or with those who love you and once you are awakened: you will know how to handle the darker side of life. Your light will reveal its truth and its truth will set it free. 

It shouldn’t be so hard to figure out should it? Always wondering if the part of you thats warning yourself, thats complaining to yourself, thats judging yourself, your always giving it the possibility that thats true and gving it the power to control you through the condemnation of yourself and your acceptance of that condemnation being true? That is where you should start is in removing your own self condemnation of you. 

Now its not arguing against reality as it is, to stop condemning yourself. 
Its agreeing with it, 
its acknowledging it, 
its saying: it is what it is, 
you are what you are, 
you became what you became and now you are choosing to enlighten that which you are in this moment. Not as a pretense that you are something else other than what you are in this moment, but your embracing the light now and allowing the light to reveal the truth of you and allowing the truth of you to explode through the form so that the form is transmuted into an accurate reflection of divine truth, including the part that has been condemning and judging: you, the condemner of self, now enlightened, conscious, aware and free from its confusion that resulted in it s being a condemnation of self. Why not? Why not allow that self to be free? Especially when it is what it is, it is within you and it focuses its awareness on you in such a way that the result is the opposite of its intention.

Its intention is the best for you: it is to make you aware of reality as it is. But, its not speaking from an awareness of knowing what reality can be in this same moment: it is what it is, but what can it be instantly? That is the question.

How much can life improve instantly in this moment? Thats the question, thats how this reality is transformed from the profane to the profoundly, wondrous, wonder of life moving in harmony with divine consciousness, moving with the awareness of self as a divine being: the divine being “selves” here, “bodies.” 

The divine embodiment of life is what heaven is. Heaven is the divine embodiment of life and you don’t get there by condemning yourself. You get there by realizing that the self that you are has an open invitation to experience heaven instantly. The instantaneous transformation of the profane to the divine, of the limited to the free, from a criminal to a holy man that is whole and true, always. 

When you walk with God, trust that: “God within you” is a more intelligent way to be, than, you without God. 

The funny thing is that you haven’t even been worthy of governing yourself, you haven’t been capable of making the right decisions: the ones that would have resulted in an admirably well-lived life. OK, thats who we are, where do we go from here? We haven’t lived an admirably well-lived life, now what? 

Instantaneous experience of divinity from that? Is that possible? Is that fair? Is that right that one can do that when there are so many other who have lived better than you? 

Is it not right that who ever chooses to receive God should be able to receive God as much as he allows God to be present in his life and shouldn’t that choice be instantly rewarded: each time you open to receive God the more godly you become instantly? The instantaneous self realization of God within you is something the can be further and more completely realized in each step, from step to step, from moment to moment: the increasingly expanded self expansion as love, as supreme consciousness and divine presence. 

It doesn’t matter how things are for you, it doesn’t matter the circumstances, it doesn’t matter what your presence is, it doesn’t matter how lost and unconscious you have been: choose to experience the presence of God right now and as you allow yourself to experience God in this moment, right now: you do, and then you choose it more and more and more. Whatever it is right now: your choosing for more than that. Your acknowledging what is completely and you’re opening to receiving even more. As soon as you think to open to receive more: more is what you are and what you have, what you see and what you know.

So choose for more divine presence as yourself in this moment and this moment and this moment, and this and this and this and this. 
More divine presence for yourself right now and then 
more and more and more and more. 
More divine presence, more divine presence, in each moment there is more of the divine, present as you. 

You are what you are in each moment and yet you are more divinely present also. 
You are what you are in each moment and yet more and more divine, is what you experience yourself to be. 
You are what you are, but you’re more than that instantly. 
You are what you are, but you are more than that right now. Whatever it is that you are right now: 
your more than that right now and now and now and now and now. Expanding beyond the limitations that unconsciousness can put upon you as you embrace the infinite love within every aspect of yourself and allowing that infinite love to redeem you, to restore you, to reawaken you to your own knowing that the self that you are: loves all divinely.

Continue opening to the divine until the self that you are loves all divinely. Open to more, open to more, open to more divine love of all. You don’t have to think about it you just willingly receive and willingly flow without any consideration whatsoever, because you are a continuous and unlimited flow of divine love that is in-exhaustively infinite and so does not need to be conserved in any way. There is no need to conserve that which is infinite and the infinite love of all is available to you in this moment. Experience it, experience it more, and more, and more, and more, the impossibly wondrous experience of limitless love. Experience it more, and more.

Allow the parts of your body who are screaming in agony to experience within itself the love of the infinite and the inexhaustible supply of the love that all else has for it as it awakens the love of all else within the core of self. 

You can trust that that is a good choice to make and to allow that choice to have the freedom of expression here. The choice of experiencing unlimited love is one that you don’t have to second guess. Its a reality that you’ve missed experiencing here. The limitless love of the entire universe for you, open to experiencing that right now in this moment and whatever amount of that that you experience: allow yourself to experience more of it right now, and more and more and more, more, more. 

Allow the universe in its loving expression, a limitless space within you, so that all of eternity that exists within you: is filled with your divine love of all and all’s divine love of you, in an eternal dance of bliss and harmony, one and all. 

Any part of you that is judgmental of yourself is disregarded by the rest of you as irrelevant, until it is divinely conscious and aware of self as the divine embodied. When you are aware of self as the divine embodiment: then you can judge, but you won’t because you will know what the truth is. You wont have to accuse somebody of what you think it is without being sure. You will know what the truth is so you will know where freedom lies for the other and when you know where freedom lies for the other and you bless them with it in such a way that they open up and receive it, then how can what your doing be condemned by yourself? When your life is a blessing to others: this self condemnation has to stop in order for you to be effective in experiencing your own divine nature. 

So be willing to experience you own divine nature in your most judgmental aspect of yourself. Don’t defend yourself from self judgement: embrace your self judgement, as yourself. Thats why they call it self judgement: its you judging yourself. So, be all that communicates with you as a judgement of self and allow that to be enlightened as you. Allow enlightenment to shine the light of truth on everything, so that everything can be clearly seen by that which wishes to judge it harshly. 

If you allow that which has been, to affect negatively that which can be: then that which can be is denied as your experience of yourself. So in order for you to be free here, you have to willingly free yourself from all of the judgements that you have ever condemned yourself with. Hold that in your awareness and take a few steps and with each step realize that all condemnation of self has been rescinded and retracted, erased and replaced with universal awareness and a wondrous love that heals everything that receives it. 

Don’t wonder wether of not it is a good idea or not to receive that within a self realization   that thats true of yourself. 
Don’t work at shutting yourself off from that awareness. 
Take the awareness that you are thats confused about it and know the divine in this moment as exactly what you are. 
Know the divine in this moment as exactly what you are in this moment. 
Know the divine as you are, 
know the divine, as you are. 
Exactly as you are: 
know the divine right now with each step that you take. 
Know the divine as you, 
know the divine as you, 
know the divine as you. 

The false self is you in a state of confusion, your higher self is you in a state of clarity. 

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