
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

What gets you to each level of consciousness is not what then sustains the level

Excerpts from a visit with Sherry

Sherry: Those authors were the catalyst to my not being so rigid in my belief systems and through my associations with like minded people also looking for truth, light, love and energy. In fact, my company is called energetic massage because I like dealing with the more…

Well, then this will not be too shocking to you. 

Sherry: No, I love Melchizedek’s work.

You enjoy the next quantum shift each time it occurs for you?

Sherry: pretty-much so, I have been asking for the next level.

What gets you to each level is not what then sustains the level: what gets you to a new level of consciousness has to be left behind when you take that next step for yourself. Every name on that list gurus of yours and every book that got you to “this here:” it got you here, congratulations. (clapping)  Its not enough for you to embrace the concept of the infinite mentally, your here to experience what it is for the infinite to be here as you and thats why I am here is to serve you in embodying that for yourself: to welcome the Goddess of creation to awaken as you. Yes, there you go, very easy, OK, OK. 

The past is wonderful, but to admire or look up to a consciousness that is less than divinely and miraculously present, is beneath you: love them unconditionally, admire the “masks” that they are wearing and their being a “Guru, enlightened, competent and geniuses,” but they as they are here, are nothing compared to you.

Actually, they are truly the same as you, but they are unwilling to be their truth. They touch upon it, they say: its like “this” “I had an awakening” I know the state of nothing but me” Yes, but: do they move as that in this reality? No. Move as that in this reality. Allow the consciousness of God to enfold you, to embrace you, to infuse you and to awaken in you the remembrance, the acceptance, the knowing and the knowledge and experience of your divine awakening into the truth of your own self here: the birth of the Goddess in form, Mmm. Its OK, you can surrender to this, you can know in each moment of your surrender that this is salvation, your transcendence, the de-cendence of the truth of your divine nature as the consciousness that your choosing to inhabit this body as. 

No-more withholds from yourself, no more shutdowns, no more going into agreement with unconsciousness here that thats you also. Not anymore its not. You are here as your eternal consciousness, as your transcendent beingness, as the consciousness of God here and not as a pretense: but as your actuality. Allow your body to come to peaceful terms with that realization. Allow whatever the body needs to do to enable it to shed its shackles and chains, limitations and shutdowns, your life as an unconscious being here. Allow your body to shed its every trauma, release its every limiting thoughts, ideas, beliefs and considerations: you are none of them. You are none of that: you are coming here true and clean and clear as you. 

Whats meant to be remembered will stay. 

Sherry: to be recalled.

What is meant to be owned by you now? Not to recalled, but owned, yours, and true as your embodiment here? What is meant for that now? 

Your not receiving this in an altered state, my intention is for you to embody whatever it is that you are willing to embody. Your experiencing this in your normal state of consciousness gives you the ability to easily choose. When you are the self that you have been here, what you experience of the transcendent changes what you are, when you experience it in your normal identity. If you experience your transcendent self as separate from your day to day you: there is kind of a disconnect and it is then a passing event. 

I couldn’t find a guru that could help me with it of course.

Sherry: tell me about you, you were born and raised Mormon, lived here in Utah and then what happened?

After high school I left on my own and have been running around on my own ever since. 

Sherry: thats life, but when did you feel more awakened and transformed? When did this take place and how did you step away from life? 

I am mostly pretty-involved with normal life, it first happened about…

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