
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Let go of the life that you do not love

I am not real.

I have been living some one Else's life.

I am not real.

Let it go.

Let go of the life that you do not love, that is not you and is not yours. Let go of your pretense of humanity, of being human, of wanting and not having.

Love the life that is you, the life that is changeable, malable, responsive to your willingness to live life as you wish.

Let go of your fear.

My life, my regrets, my disappointments, my desperation to be other than as I am.

My my my loser life, it makes me laugh, my life of living others expectations for me, has resulted in "not me" anymore.

Now what do I do?

It is a process of refinement, coming out of unconsciousness or the imersement in a foreign reality.Move slowly, choose with clarity that which you wish to be, then move as your new choice of being here. Make a choice that brings happiness, to you, to others, now and in the future.

Now leave this place of unawareness that you created and enter your new reality of knowingness, of peace, of clarity and of willful pleasure in creation.

Mememe, mymymy, iii am not any more.

I want to know always that I know godhood.

Bless you all.

Of course it is all us.

Bless you all. is your new mantra.

As I bless you, the result in me is my release from attachments to lower consciousness.

Bless others to God consciousness.

Connect to the spark of God in each one that you meet.

Connect to your own spark of God and hold the connection foe a while as reality improves for you.

Bless all to God consciousness, if God consciousness it your choice for your own experience.

See your own level of God consciousness,
in the effectiveness of your blessing it upon others.

Allow your every drink to be the drink of Godhood.
Allow your every breath to be the breath of God,
Allow your every movement to be the dance of God.
Allow the word of God to come forth from your mouth.

Bless all of us to God consciousness, go ahead. You will see all of our God spark.

See others as the perfect expression of God.
