
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

You are lost without love and in love are you found

Any opinion of another that you should not be loving of yourself right now, is the opinion of one who by his own admission is not divine and if you are going to take instruction from anyone, is it going to be from the enlightened or from the dense, dumb and admit-ably fallen and damned within themselves, with the inability to know their own eternal truth? Take your instructions in life (if you need to be instructed at all) by that which blesses you eternally, by that which celebrates your existence in every moment and in every way loves you exactly as you are. That is he who is true to you.

Choose to be present in your body as the consciousness of eternal truth, why not? Why not indeed.

Thanks for taking a supportive stance with me instead of an adversarial one. How can you help me be successful? How can you help me establish myself here in a manner where I can devote myself to the divine embodiment of self? If you can’t help me, then step out of the way and don’t prevent me from moving in a manner that I need to be here as I came here to be. Help me to remember that the love of myself is the salvation that has been lacking in my embodiment.

The condemnation of self is the only thing that you need to be aware of, because that is the only thing that instructs the universe on how to treat you other than that of the celebration of the manifestation of divine consciousness. If you demand that the universe treat you as being less than that: then it will. Give yourself a treat and allow the ultimate to be the truth of you. 

Recall a time when universal love was the truth of yourself, was the actuality of the presence that you were and remember yourself there, as you are now. As you are now, remember yourself there: the universally loving presence, of self and here is your mantra: I love, I love, I love.

Even though we know that love is possible for us, we only continue to know ourselves more from knowing love as self. 

You are lost without love and in love are you found.

Don’t look for someone else to save you, If you do that: you will be forever lost and not found, being “there” but not being true to you. The one lost, my son, is you. 
Lost but not found,
Nearly buried in the ground,
Couldn’t swim,
Then I drowned,
Even when love is all around.

All around us, divinity
Not a bit of it do we see,
Tossed and turned,
 As if in the sea.

The scene ourselves,
We are not to be,
“To be or not to be”,
That is not the question:
To be true, as me? 
That is my only question.

To question self,
Is the admission of failure, 
The celebration of life,’
Is very much gayer.

To be gay and free,
Loving divinity,
Loving truth as self,
Loving self as the truth of us all: redeems us from the fall, awakens us to ourself, realized, renewed and imbued as the divine.

The divine way, 
Has love all through it,
To kill the play of another,
Is not the son,
Of the mother,
Of all.

To kill another’s play,
To end another’s day,
To stop another’s truth,
From being at home under his own roof,
To take joy in another’s pain,
To celebrate the evil and profane,
The God of love,
Loves all that too,
But then,
There falls the other shoe,
The shoe that fits the sons of God,
The daughters of earth,
Of the lord above,
Of the Goddess of love in her glorious state,
Sensual and knowing in her divine embodied self,
The Goddess is here and is true to you,
And God, my brother; so are you.

The you I know from another time,
Beyond the place of the frozen sublime,
The love of self will bring you home,
At ease my son,
You’re not alone. 

Remember, as a friend to me, help me be successful, help me to be free. 

Hello, I love you. I demand that you show me the magnificence of your unfiltered divine presence. Show me the truth of you, so that in your truth, I might be free. Show me your knowing of divinity, of the eternal self of you, knowing the eternal self of me. 

I love, I love, I love myself. Truly I do and the more that I do: the more magnificently I see you.

Choose to love yourself, despite the level of self condemnation and self judgement that has debilitated you. Just because you have judged yourself harshly, doesn’t mean that your not about to reconsider and love yourself instead. That is all that we are asking: reconsider and choose to love yourself, instead of judging yourself. Its the only sane way to live: 
love yourself as you love no other,
love God as you love yourself 
and love the other as you love God. 

The love of self cleanses you and opens you, to yourself, to the eternity of divine freedom that is the truth of us all.

I love, 
I realized, 
As I “knew myself” in time, 
In time, 
I now know,
How to move with the divine flow.

Flowing in ease and grace and glory,
It changes your entire story,
Born of woe and struggle and strife,
Into the celebrator of all life.

The celebration of the truth of self: the knowing of you as one that is here consciously from the divine realms.

Sign a divine loving document: I love you, I support you, I celebrate your success. Please take this and create wonders with it and allow it to benefit me as well. Bless me with the freedom that you are inspired to and look to assist me in every way that further inspires you.

Into the fire of the divine flame goes that which does not admire you. I love you, is what becomes you, when you willingly awaken to your truth and what connection would you have me be here for you? Your normal reality? That’s what you wish to share? 

Not for me the normal here, 
My choice is clear,
It’s the eternal sphere, 
Whole and one and home to us all,
Heavens holy, heavenly hall.

Here, we’re true to that as us. 
I love myself, in spite of us. (Remember were here to reveal the truth of our magnificence to each other.) 
Here to heal our wounded brother, 
Here to know the truth of self, 
Here to show and know ourselves:

The divine trance, 
Is where you go, 
To know,
And restore the truth of self,
That this divine self is who you are.

So trance out,
Merge with the divine,
It’s the true gold mine,
Of the self that you already are.

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