
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, September 07, 2012

That which approaches the divine, is the divine

A visit 

Just to orient you a little bit, I am able to drop my confusions about life when I smoke.

Beverly: It puts you in perspective? 

It diminishes my fear and self condemnation and allows me to be here as myself, instead of at effect of life’s ups and downs and my personality. Who we have become here is not comparable to what our normal realized truth is through out eternity. Most of our existence we are fully aware and fully conscious of everything we wish to be aware of when we wish to know it. We’re not in a position of diminishment or condemnation, we’re not at a bad effect of anyone or anything. We manifest ourselves as we choose and we enjoy ourselves as we wish to, when we are involved in life itself. So, this is just a reminder that once in a while we can take a moment to reconnect with the eternal truth of ourselves and allow that to reorient us here so that we can ascertain what the range of possibilities are here for us in who and what we are here, for what we are involved in and how effective we are in implementing our purposes here. 

What I do when I smoke is I look at what it is that I identify as me, I’m able to objectify the identity of self and look to see what it is thats diverging from my truth and then I can let that pretense go, knowing that that is all that it is. What that then gives you access to is knowing what the truth is about yourself and about the things that you are interacting with here. Just a natural knowing and an ongoing presence of being here in the most wonderfully capable way for a divine being to be present here with an awareness and knowing of self as that. Not from an intellectual understanding but in your own experience of self as that. 

So, allow for the possibility for that which you have heard about enlightenment and ultimate truth, divine self, higher self: all of those things that you have wondered about as to wether they could possibly be true: could there be something wonderful, truly for you, if only you realized exactly what it was? Realize exactly what is true for you beyond this body and this life. Where is your truth as it permeates the universe with its eternal nature? Where is that truth of you and how are you aware of that truth as yourself in your body? How do you download into your body your eternal presence as your knowing of self? As that which exists beyond time and space, that which encompasses all creation? Where does one open the doorway and allow ultimate truth to be you? Look at that doorway that you just observed and realize that its your choice: there is no oppositional consciousness that is not empowered and validated by yourself, so remove your invalidation of self and allow the divine to be you, allow for the truth of eternity to be known through you by others and self.

As you feel within yourself those areas of tension and condensed unaware consciousness, as you feel them and observe them within yourself: don’t do anything about them, just let them go. They are not relevant to you and their not relevant to your reality. Cease trying to fix them and just allow them to be that which they choose to be for themselves. Yes, let go of that which you hold within you that is at war with yourself. Let it go, there’s no eternal purpose being served in that: its just serving the purpose of confusion. Its serving the purpose of the furtherance of an intention and a goal that was made in unconsciousness. Why would you devote your life to serving goals that were made in unconsciousness? Not knowing wether you could achieve them or not and failing time after time, to do it? So let go of all of those needs to save yourself and to save the world and instead choose to know the truth of eternity as well and at least you will be capable of rendering a valid solution when you are asked for what one would be for any circumstance that another is experiencing that is less than Ideal. 

If the eternity of knowing is within you, the solution is in there and readily available for any circumstance. So let go of solving your problems from the point of view of a disabled human or a relatively unable human. Take this moment in time and let go of all of that need and instead allow the universe of divine consciousness to flow through you and enjoy you and allow yourself to enjoy it and allow yourself to remember exactly what it is that is your eternal truth: and that is that divine presence is you, its you, always has been, always will be. Allow yourself to experience that truth in the now while you are embodied here and thats your point actually: to have that divine consciousness in your every present moment here, despite the insanity of distractions that there are here in this reality of other people doing their things. Allow yourself to know your truth in all of those other circumstances. Not just occasionally and then forgotten again, but allow your truth to be present in you, as you, as your knowing that is magnificently present in you. Allow that to move through you and shift that sense of self from one that is not true of you eternally, to one that is. 

Allow that sense of self that is so disabling to you, to dissipate as dust in the wind, as a cloud in the sky, don’t hold onto it and fight it! Let it go, allow it its freedom and it will choose wonderfully for itself and for you when you do that. Allow that which disables you its ultimate freedom to know its eternal truth of itself. Give it the blessing that blesses it all of the way to the enlightened consciousness of the eternal as self. Yes, that you that gets irritated about sounds like those outside, thats the self that gets enlightened here, thats the self that knows its eternal truth, thats the self that is the example of eternity manifest in form. So let go of the self that you have been and allow the self that you can be to be the you that is manifest as the divinity that is your nature eternally. 

Ahh, relax into that and save yourself, relax into all that is within you its freedom to move, to know, to be, to have and to manifest itself brilliantly without any suppression from you. Allow this entire reality to move into its divine state of knowing, why would you wish anything less for it? Why would you condemn this reality to a diminishment of itself, from the knowing of its truth that exists beyond time and space? Of the wonder of what it is to have the knowledge and knowing of eternity, of the divine flow manifest in everyone. Why would you wish for less than that for yourself? Experience everyone and everything as divinely free, moving through reality in a glorious and mutual celebration of life and each other. 

Yes, allow it to be you, the one who is eternally true to herself, that which brings the eternal truth of the one who knows and knows how to know all things. Allow that truth to transform the manifestation of the body that you are here. Just let go of everything as soon as you feel it, as soon as you feel it: let it go. As soon as you feel it: let it go, let it move, let it pass through you without influencing who and what you are, without it shifting and making a defining sense of self for you that isn’t anywhere near your truth. Just let it all go, there is no input from anyone else’s point  of view here that is more relevant than your own. It doesn’t even need to be taken into consideration whatsoever in your knowing the truth of yourself. You do not have to take anyone else’s point of view and diminish yourself as a result of their opinion that you should somehow be here as less than the totally wonderful, eternally divine, truth of yourself as your embodied consciousness here.

As soon as you see the image, as soon as you feel the energy, as soon as there is something that is demanding that you pay attention to it and that you somehow subjugate yourself to it in any way, as there somehow being an ongoing responsibility that you have to it, as soon as that comes into your awareness of that demanding your attention in such a way that you not manifest as your divine self: let it go. Let it go, don’t assist another in supporting another in their lies of who they are here. Don’t go along with the pretense that who they pretend to be is the truth of who they actually are. Know always your own truth as well as theirs, so that when you interact with people here, you interact with a level of knowing that is beyond any of the verbal communications that are going on. Yes, those are happening, hopefully for the occurrence for a purpose that adds to the betterment of life for everyone involved. So lets let go of what ever it is that compels us to spend any of our time with aspects of reality that are adverse to our success here. Lets sever all of those connections, why would you be willing to continually interact with life that wishes for your failure?
Let go of those conflicts and feel what it is to know yourself without them right now. Let go of those conflicts, let them move through your body in this moment and feel what it is to know the truth of you eternally, moving through and orienting the body with what it is for the body to experience divine consciousness within it. What is it for a body to know within itself that which it is to be divinely aware of your eternal truth do self within your body in this moment? Allow your body to adjust to that and hold onto nothing that tries to restrict that from manifesting in anyway. Just let it go. There’s nothing to fight about it and there is nothing to defend from it, just let it go. Let go of all stuck positions, all mental constructs that demand that you not do anything other than pay attention to it. Let it go, let them all go and know what it is to know the divine flow as the truth of yourself. 

The divine flow as the truth of yourself is the reminder that you are getting right now, yes, it has always been you, the divine flow always has been you and always will be. Its not separate from you, it Is In Fact What You Are. You are the divine flow, moving through this body, awakening the body of creation with the consciousness of christ yourself. The consciousness of Christ, your brother, as your own, as a real brother or sister would be. 

Be aware of your body, feel it in its entirety right now and allow yourself to move through all of that as the divine flow, that which is perceiving itself as limitation is not the truth of itself. The truth of all selves is divine flow, so both of you: let go of everything that is not the divine flow and there you will find the truth of yourself and you just have to keep going with it… there is seemingly and unending amount of compromises that you have made with this reality in agreeing to not be here in fact as the truth of yourself. Just let all of that go, the embodiment of the divine is not subservient to that of polarity. It rides senior to all that is in a conflict based reality and any of that reality that comes near: awakens to the truth of itself and chooses to come home to the divine. That which approaches the divine, is the divine. Allow your body to open up in its embrace of you as that, instead of something that you are not. The conflicts in your body are there because you have been trying to pretend that the truth of you is something other than what is. So let go of all that is not true eternally for you, as defining who you are to yourself. 

Allow all inner conflicts to resolve themselves without interference, withdraw your support of one side or the other and instead bless them both with the presence of your eternal truth: unconditionally loving of them and everything that they are and allow that connection with them to make available to them a path to their own awakening if they choose to reawaken. Allow yourself to be present as a source for someone who wishes to know their truth, to reawaken to what that is as themselves. 

Mmm, Mmm, allow your body the understanding of the embodiment of eternal truth: the knowing of what it is to know themselves as that. Allow yourself to know yourself as the knowing of eternal truth and all temporal truth. Allow yourself to know yourself as that which is unbelievably aware of all that exists and that which it interacts with, wether it conditions one to further degrade their consciousness or one that allows you to return to the knowing of your own divine and eternal truth. Allow yourself to be a blessing the reality, allow yourself to know the truth here. That blessing of accepting that in yourself is something that will give this reality an incredibly beautiful gift and that is an example of one who lives themselves as their eternal truth here.

Allow that to manifest through your body right now, allow your body to be re-manifest here as that which is eternally knowing and aware of self and the truth of this reality. Allow yourself to receive the blessings of all Gods, all of God consciousness, allow yourself to open up and say: yes thank you. Thank you for reminding me of that, thank you for being here too, to be available to facilitate my regaining of that truth as myself. 

Let go of all of the connections that drag you down consciously and allow yourself to be fully embraced by every divine, divinely aware and unconditionally loving being, regardless of what their identities appear to be. Receive all the love that is unconditionally available to you. Feel what that feels like to a body to receive the unconditional love of all divine beings. Let yourself experience that, its only you that prevents it, so relax out of that self condemnation that your not worthy of knowing yourself as the divine here. Let go of that condemnation of self that damns you, that limits you, that suppresses you from knowing your truth here and from living the truth of self as your manifestation here. Mmm, Ahh, yes, just let that flow through, all of those traumas, wow, yes you do have to reawaken to them to be able to reawaken from them, As soon as you are aware of them, let them go, thats all you need is a momentary reconnection with that which suppressed you, then you let it go and it no longer has the ability to suppresses you. So let go of everything that you are holding onto that is not allowing you to allow the divine to be that which moves you. So just let go and surrender to all things everywhere, allow everything to move in divine harmony. Allow everything to move in divine harmony within you, then you will be without the limitation on the truth of yourself being that which you know yourself to be here.

Embrace your limitations, embrace your suppressions, embrace the curses and judgements of the world as it has condemned you to being. Embrace them all with a love that is unconditionally and surpassingly divine. Embrace this reality with the love of the divine, right now, right now. Feel what that is to be the love of the divine for all creation. Not someone trying to be that but one who has just realized herself whats true and it doesn’t have to be achieved, it doesn’t have to be earned. It just happens to be the truth of you and relax out of everything that is in disagreement with that, just let it go.  Let go of everything that is in disagreement with your knowing the divine truth of self. Feel the divine truth of self and relax out of all of your connections to that which is not in absolute harmony with the truth of your self divinely being a wonderful thing for you to experience. So let go of every connection there is that doesn’t applaud in wonder and delight that a divine being reawakened in this reality as you. Allow all that will celebrate that to celebrate that and allow all who would suppresses that to be free and your letting them go in every circumstance. They may go where ever they choose, you are irrelevant to them and they are irrelevant to you for your purposes are completely different. 

Let go of all that would limit and suppress you in anyway, feel it in your body, feel those connections, feel those traumas, feel that suppression and just let it all go as quickly as you are aware of it and feel what the flow of that is: to let go of everything as soon as you are aware of it allows a flow to begin within you, a flow that awakens, restores and redeems your consciousness to the realms of the infinite. So let it go so that you may know the truth of yourself, so that you may be free. 

Allow yourself to be divinely free in the midst of every conflict that you find yourself. Allow yourself to be divinely free in the realization that you can resolve nearly any conflict instantly for the benefit of both of you and allow that to be your exchange with reality so that reality supports you fully in everything that you are doing. Allow the possible you to be the you that you are: the one who is a benefit to all this reality. Experience yourself at a level of presence, beingness and consciousness where that level of being, presence and consciousness would be a blessing to every one here. Allow yourself to be here as that you. Its not the you that is possible, its the you that is actually your truth. So just relax into your truth being manifest through your body, thats all it takes. Relax into the eternal truth being the you that you are in your body. Feel it: relax, relax, relax. Feel it, feel your eternal truth, feel your eternal truth, feel your eternal truth: relax, relax, relax, relax. Hold onto nothing as you feel your eternal truth. Just feel it and: relax, relax, relax, allow everything physically to change and go into harmony with your relaxation into a divine state of presence as yourself. 

Now we will come back into our personalities, OK? What we have been doing for the last almost hour is, we allow ourselves to perceive this reality in this moment and each other and we go; yes there was something real there and we are going to allow someone else that we know, that they know, that we had this experience. So the recognition of a divine truth in another, is what your greatest blessing in this reality is going to be, as its one that is here for you and me, a recognition of your truth, the knowing of you from the divine realms and if I can see that in you, then you can too and when you do: you will see the same in me. 

As improbable as it seems and as impossible as it really is: why not give it a chance man? Why not experience wether or not it is possible for you to be divinely true to yourself right now. Ahh, what would have to change within yourself for that to be your experience of yourself here? Feel it, feel yourself in full allowance of divine truth. Both as others and as self, allow the divine truth be what it actually is: and that is the truth of everyone and everything here. It’s the nature of our beginning and how we will fully end up knowing ourselves as again. The question here is: are we wiling to know ourselves as that now? Because that is what we came here for, so this is just from me to you saying: humor me please and surrender to that which is divine within you until you know it as your own truth and have reawakened to: the enlightenment that is you, the light of the moment and always the truth of you in what ever moment you experience yourself as. Allow that to be what you awaken to right now, because as you confront that, as you consider that, as you feel what that is within you and test its boundaries with your consciousness you can see that what I said is in fact true and that is: there is nothing that is limiting you other than your holding onto something that you shouldn’t be holding onto. 

So let go of all of that which is unnecessarily limiting and defining of you, surely go ahead and keep your relationship with reality where you have a job and are responsible, pay your bills and make money, but don’t let be the definition of you: let that be what the body does as it interacts here to create a pleasant survival for itself, but allow your self to know that that is all it is: the maintenance of the body. Don’t limit the knowing of the truth of yourself to that: allow yourself to know all that you have ever known and all that you will ever know and all that you will ever be and be present here as what ever combination of that that brings out the best in you. That was better than a preacher on tav, isn’t it?  

Beverly: I have discovered that we are both angeles of God. 


Beverly: and we are both special beings.

OK, let me see you, don’t hold yourself back in any way from me. I wish to know that as you right now.

Beverly: I am, so much as that in the last hour. I have seen much of it in my past. I have repressed it, but I’ve always known it was there. 


Beverly: we’re not your normal angels, were special angels. We do special work, unlike any other.

Yes there is something unusual going on here isn’t there?

Beverly: Umm Hmm.

Its not normal to have a conversation like this between humans. You know I diminish myself all of the time because I look at New Age gurus that sell millions of books and none of them are true. 

Beverly: we are angels, you and I, are angels of God.

Lets feel that, lets let the body revel in that experience. You know my body is so bound up in tension and pain, it just so difficult to know yourself as something beyond that you know. So, help me relax into that beautiful truth that you saw for both of us. Oh, thank you. That is a wonderful healing flow coming from you. Ahh, Mmm, Its a beautiful level of divine support to assist me to be able to come to peace within myself. Hmm, Thank you for that, thank you for giving me your blessing of inner peace and tranquility. Hmm and as I open up to the possibility that: could that really be possibly true about Beverly, could she really be an angel of peace for me? And as my brain doesn’t believe it and my body experiences the feeling of the truth of that as it embraces and receives a blessing of freedom. My brain has to re-access its awareness of reality as it observes the body realizing divine truth. 

Ahh, stay conscious of yourself and allow yourself to be ever so slightly moved like this and allow the consciousness that is within the body that is connected through these nearly imperceptible movements. Allow it to come, move as slowly as it takes for you to move consciously with the divine flow, In encouraging your body to fully awaken to its wonderful truth that it is, that you wish for it to be: that it is divinely free in every way. Allow the body to be realized as that. Divinely free in every way: the body, the body, the embodied consciousness, the presence here of divine freedom here in every way. No damnation here for you, certainly not for me and hopefully not for you, that is what you are letting go of, is your own personal condemnation of self to damnation here as this. 

Open the dam,
Release the flow,
Embrace the divine,
As it moves through you.

The dam has broken,
And the eternal is whole,
And holy,
and wholly within you.

The damned,
And restored,
To the flowing of eternal truth. 

The damned, realized,
That to be opened, 
Is a much more wonderful experience,
Than to close and to shut off and to stop and restrict oneself.

Open the damned self, into the light of the eternal loving presence of God and allow the truth to restore you to the knowing of self to the knower of truth, who says: yes, the truth is my preference for myself and for this reality. I prefer the truth being the presence of all of us. 

OK, so there has been a release of some tension, some connection, but there is still a chronic level of blockage as our experience of self here and I’m trying to look at what it is that will bring about a permanent shift for us in our being able to interact with each other as out knowing and I am not quiet sure how we move through this reality as that. I do know that when we talk to Lauren that we are going to talk to here as friends and humans, but do we have to diminish our knowing of self down to what she perceives to be our truth? Can we be something that is actually true of ourselves when we are interacting with someone here who is at their human or animal level of consciousness? Do we have to assume that for ourselves in order to be in good communication or can we realize the truth that to know it all is a preferable way for dealing with anyone here? Because if you know that is to be known about the circumstances that you are involved with here, it hardly would be a detriment to you for that to be the truth right? If you are able to know everything about me: my intentions, my purposes, my abilities and my limitations and what it is that I consider myself to be. If you know all of that and you also know what the truth actually is and where I am in confusion on that, if you know all of that: then how could I possibly do anything to surprise you? You would have managed your relationship with me in such a way that it would not affect you negatively in any possibility. You already know what all of the possibilities are that you don’t wan’t to occur, so you just make the appropriate changes in your connection with me and then it doesn’t happen. So manage your life accordingly: know what it is that you are dealing with, know who it is that you are dealing with, know what it is that you wan’t from the relationship and the exchange and if it is not available for you there: instantly respond to that and have the ability in your relationships, the option in your relationships, the expectation in your relationships with others, that if there is a change in their opinion about you, where they no longer wish for the very best for you, then that is where the relationship ends, until that is available for you from that person again. 

Beverly: amen.

Hmm. Do not agree with your own condemnation from others, in order to have a relationship with them. There are plenty of people out there who wonder if there is somebody here that is true enough that unconditional love can be known from them.  

Feel in your body where things are not working, where things are not flowing, feel where if you are aware there, where there is pain and discomfort and just be there anyway, consciously, aware of exactly what it is that is manifest there and embrace that presence with your own knowing of eternal truth and allow your body to be awakened and transformed and restored to what it is to be a temple of God in truth. 

The block in my life right now is where am I supported financially, where is my opportunity to have reality support my comfortably? How do I sense where that is and how do I move in that direction instead of going in confusion, without knowing where I should be for sure in order to be successful here. Where is success available for me here? How do I open up to knowing that? How do I open up to knowing where I can be successful financially here and how do I open up to embracing that knowing with a choice for that experience? How do I open up to receiving abundance here? Its only he who is abundant who can abundantly give to others. And abundantly give is what you do when abundance is what you have. So open up to allowing the universe to create abundance for you miraculously, from ways you never even considered. Allow the universe to appreciate who and what you are and to reward you with the abundance that the divine always has wherever it is present as an embodied consciousness. 

There is life without limitation, so how do you allow your sense of self, your knowing of self to know what it is to know where you will be most loved and supported by this reality do that there is no concerns by the body about wether it has sufficient necessary to take care of itself?

Allow your embrace by the entirety of the universe, allow there to be universal support for you. There is universal support for you, allow yourself to receive it, to be transformed by it, to be blessed by it and to receive from it all that you wish. 

If your current reality is not supporting you, if the current people in your reality are not supporting you, allow people to come into your life that will. Open up to the universe showing up for you, as people who will love and support you and will interact with you in such a way that you both benefit. 

The point is: that the connections that we make and the choices of who we interact with are actually important. 

Beverly: Oh my goodness, that is an understatement!

And, I haven’t treated it that way. I have let other people choose me, instead of me choosing them.  

Beverly: very common.

I’ve done it without awareness and from a point of view that I should do what the other person wants that is not a divine blessing of me. Don’t obligate yourself to people who don’t love you unconditionally. It’s the curse of hell to do so.

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