
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Emancipation of oneself

You don’t have to figure out how to save yourself, all you have to do is allow for things to change the way that you want them to (from unrealized, to fully realized) as you feel fully “that which is” in each moment. 

Allow for the change in each moment, that you wish for yourself. Immerse yourself in what is, without any judgement of it and then allow it to change. This is not something that you wish for and then doubt that you will receive, it is something that you change with your looking at “what is” with your being “done” with what is, yet being in complete allowance of it being the way that it is right now. 

The emancipation of oneself: it’s not something that you try to change, It’s something that you allow to change. You allow it to magically transform as you observe it, by loving it the way that it is. (imagine that you are the sun and what you want to change is: a flower that has yet to blossom) 

Allow yourself to magically transform, as you observe and feel, the creation that you are. The secret is to trust yourself, (unconditional love) look only to yourself: there is no other who knows your experience as you do.

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