
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Love them the way that they are and they will cure themselves.

A visit with Beverly part 2

Beverly: It was pretty right on and so far for everything, except my passing when I leave this earth. 

Beverly: What I was told in our session is that I will experience something very beautiful and I am an angel of God and that I have been for many many years. I am a very old soul and I have been a care giver in this body of an angel of God  for years and years and years and I had totally forgot about who I was until I had this session with you. Do I look healthier all of a sudden? I feel healthier, I feel there is nothing I can’t conquer and there is nothing that is ever going to bring me down. I’ve know how to channel the energy that I have in a positive manner, so it was enlightening for me, thank you, I appreciate that and also when I was in this, I felt that you were also a healer and an angel as well and have been for as long as I have. 


Beverly: I felt at one point, you and I were both standing in front of him at his feet and he was sending us out to do different works. You were kind of like a Michelangelo of  the angel of God and I was just the angel, it was weird, it was very weird because I felt like you were right there with me at his feet. Does that make sense to you?

Of course. Bring that reality into the body that has been so conditioned to be suppressed, abused and traumatized, that to be able to trust to the degree necessary to open to this is really what it is all about. But I am thrilled that you were able to do it, most people are not able to go that deep. 

Beverly: I was surprised that you found it and I always have looked forward to my passing because I have always known that there was something very special waiting for me there and I realized now that it is special here, it is in me still, its what I am and who I am. I was surprised you got there and when you did I went: wow, this guy is good, he knows!

I am the only one I know of so far.

Beverly: Your the only one I know of. So there is something there Dave, something there that nobody else has.

I condemn myself so much and I have done so many things in life and business that people haven’t been happy with, that I need confirmation from others that what I do is beneficial or I condemn myself so much that I completely shut myself down. So to receive some feedback like this is nice for me.

Beverly: I was surprised you got that deep. 

If a person is open, I go right there.

Beverly: and you were right there, I went: oh my God, he knows, he knows, he senses. Not many people do. In my working in the medical field, I have had many patients that have known something was different with me, where they have said: “you are not a normal person, when you walk into the room, I felt healing."  And when you walk into the room they would recognize it with you as well.

It takes one to know one and what you experienced, you did, just, experience and that’s what is true about you, not the rest of this reality. 

Beverly: I surprised you didn’t I?

Yes, I kept looking for where you would not be open, where you would push back and say: this is too much, this is too far. It is like my friend who just called at the perfect time, where he had a gift for me spiritually. I started writing 7years ago after 5 years of him telling me: you have to write this down, all that comes through you. 

Beverly: Yes I have read some of your stuff.

So, it has always been me delivering to him for 15 years now and now at the end of our session, I was in the midst of what to me are my terrifying circumstances and he called and he completed the session for me and even though he won't let me do this with him (the depth of where his is willing to go is 10% of where we went) and yet, he loves what he is willing to receive and is in tune enough, where he called me when I needed it and set me free from a bunch of things that I have been holding onto and couldn’t Identify clearly enough to let go of. So I am going through a cathartic release right now.

Beverly: You put it out there and he found it.

The odd thing is, that even though he won't go all the way with me, he has been my fan and supporter and appreciates me more than anybody does and always has for the last 30 years. 

The only way a person can transcend, is to be right.

Beverly: right within themselves.

No, correct. They cannot be saved in ignorance, they cannot be saved in disability, they can’t be saved in wrongness: “here is the right way, you are doing it the wrong way”  they can’t come to a knowledge of the truth from that level of input even though it is true. A person "self corrects" out of their unconsciousness and unawareness only with absolute support for them being exactly who they are in this moment. And so when a person experiences what unconditional love is, they blossom. Most people are trying to find the agreed upon boundries of reality with another person: they push and probe to find out where another person gets stuck and then responds and reacts to them, to maintain how they are defining self. 

So for somebody that is moving around disabled, diseased and confused, all you can do is go: here’s the solution, “you’re loved just the way you are.” and as they allow themselves to receive that embrace, as they trust that in fact you truly do love them unconditionally and they experience what that is: then they self correct out of their defenses and judgements and opinions and considerations about who and what life is. They know that someone is present enough as the divine, loves them unconditionally and that is a game changer for someones reality.

Beverly: It’s quite a gift, quite a gift.

Love them the way that they are and they will cure themselves.

Beverly: thats been my philosophy. It wasn’t at first, it took me a while to get there but its been my philosophy for a while and if I would have had a session with you before now, I probably would have gotten there much sooner.

Lauren, where is your part today? Where will you allow yourself to come through fully and clearly? Yes,… Embrace that, or really it is more your allowing that to embrace who you present yourself to be here and allowing that embrace to mold and shift you into a clear reflection of your eternal truth instead. Then speak from there and tell us a divine comedic joke, something like: the Lauren you see is not the me that I am you see, for the me that you see that I am… Beverly, when you focus on your allowance of the divine being expressed and another person begins talking: it doesn’t matter what they say, it doesn’t matter how they start, when you focus on the divine being expressed to you from another, the other can't resist it coming through them. It’s a fun concept and an even funner experience. Tell us about your cat Lauren.

Lauren: My cat sits in front of me and wants me to tell it something, it’s reading me all of the time.

Beverly, feel divine radiance coming from her regardless of what she is saying, feel divine radiance come through and envelope and embrace you. Continue Lauren.

Lauren: I’m trying to read my cat while the cat is trying to read me. I don’t know who that cat is, its the strangest thing: he’s definitely has something in the way of knowledge or information that he is picking up from me. I don’t know what it is.

Nice, nice. Beverly, every consideration that you have had about who and what Lauren is in your entire lifetime of your experience with her, as that comes up to limit what you are willing to receive from her: let it go. OK. Lauren, tell us about something else, tell us about your dad.

Lauren: I think my father and I have gone through a few lives together and I have kind of a painful awareness of where our incarnations have been and I hope now that he is aware of what we have had as our long history and in his diminished state that he is in, I hope he can love me as I love him. 

Tell us about the weirdest psychic or spiritual experience that you have ever had. The first one the pops into your mind. 

Lauren: a complete out of the blue experience: something came to visit me in the middle of the night and I was awakened by the sound of a million bees. Bzzz vibrating the sound of bees and I opened my eyes and the room looked like a multitude of colors and patterns that were phenomenal and there was a structure that floated down and was vibrating and it had the heads of animals and different bodies that were not of this world and it hovered there and then it lifted off and left. It was like nothing I have ever heard of and it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen and I had no ideal what it was at the time.

And how many other times since the time you couldn’t remember your awakening that happened with Misha and I, how many times since then have you awakened to being present as your truth? 

Lauren: with you and Misha?

Yes about 10 years ago, the story I told you earlier. 

Lauren: there have been some times that have happened more and more.

Has there been anything that you can identify as having precipitated them? 

Lauren: a willingness to shift there and go beyond the point of maintaining any presence here at all. 

Tell us what experience has inspired you the most spiritually.

Lauren: seeing Jesus and interacting with him.

Tell us about that. When was it, where was it, what do you remember about it?

Lauren: It was when I was around 22 and I moved into a new place and didn’t want someone to know where I was and I invited someone over that I did not know very well and he had some Psylocybin and mescaline maybe and the next thing I recall was thinking that I was going somewhere where I wasn’t going to be able to come back and then there was just darkness and then there was a knock at my door and the people that I had not wanted to find me were there and they came in and I became a little enlightened and whenever I would think a question in my mind, the answer would come and after a while asking these questions I saw a cross with angels surrounding christ and all around him were angels. I had never seen angels before.

And what were they doing?

Lauren: they were just floating all together and they were just there. I remember feeling that I was a totally new being and everything around me was totally new and I heard some music playing, I was hearing a song that I did not particularly like coming from my bedroom window and I went to the window and the song inagottadavida was playing and I was visualizing that we were in a place where we could each create our own garden of eden if we chose to do that. That was the first time as an adult I was aware that something was coming through. How about you David?

Did you tell us about your conversation with Jesus?

Lauren: there was this sense of understanding how we might choose our parents and our children, where that began and originated, at that point that was important for my understanding my relationship with my father and I was asking to see my mother, she died when I was 9 and I said that I thought that it was odd that it was Jesus I saw because I did not have a clue who he was. I was expecting Moses to answer my questions at the time, but I guess Jesus filled the bill and I remember that the person that had come to see me was crying and that he seemed very connected to Jesus and he scared me. He was there to make sure that I did not go away and had come a long way to find me that night and figure out where I was. It’s hard when people don’t understand what things are important and even your own family can make it very difficult and can reject you and reject everything that makes us who we are and why we re here. All you can do is let it all go and love unconditionally. 

And there we go, now: feel as the divine flow opens up your crown and your heart and your base chakra all merging together and opening as one. 

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