
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Know what you wish to know, as you wish to know it

Now how are we? 

Are we Identified as our truth? What fulfills your purpose in this moment? What brings an end to your becoming and your need to be something other than what you are? What fulfills all of your purposes and intentions for self here? What is it that brings to an end, all that has been begun here by you? 

Hmm, yes, only that you know, only that you know yourself as your truth and how does one know the truth of self, when one has forgotten it? In the state of forgetting, in the state of unawareness, in the state of unconsciousness, how does one realize his truth? 

Truth is realized by choosing to know, to be yourself and to understand what it is that you are, so, feel yourself and realize that there is a way for you to experience the perfect freedom of an absolute state of consciousness that is fully realized as the truth of you in your embodied self awareness. Just say Ok, Ok, good for me, thats good for me, I accept, I allow and I am that which blesses Me with the unconditional love of self, of the divine, for the embodiment of consciousness here; the divine eternal truth of self, blessing the embodiment to know eternal truth. Receive your own blessing, and that is: your truth, your eternal and divine truth be known by you right now. Open up and allow that, to blossom within you. The unfolding of the divine from the dense, sense of self that you have been carrying along here and struggling to improve, that dense sense of self, that desperation of the mixture of confusion and knowing and yet not controlling the realization of self here.

Just say: God yes, yes God, I open and allow your blessing of me, that I might be free and forever able: able to be, able to know, able to manifest the divine embodiment of self as I choose to experience self as that. Choose to experience the divine as yourself right now, surrender into that which loves you divinely, that which brings order to reality, divine order, divine presence, divine knowing of self. Let yourself go into the realization of the truth of that. Mmm, Mmm, hmm. 

There’s no benefit in carrying around the confusion about yourself, there’s really no benefit. The days of learning as an aspect of confusion and not knowing is over. Learn by knowing instantly, with an unlimited ability to create from that knowing. Know what you wish to know, as you wish to know it. Mmm. Know what you wish to know as you wish to know it, who would ask anything less for themselves if they were aware of self divinely? Only the unconscious and confused for less than that to be the truth of themselves. Allow yourself to be redeemed, restored, reclaimed, cleansed and enlightened, right now, through the realization that that is what you always are: you are always enlightened, in light and in your truth and you can freely share that with all who are willing to receive it. But, in knowing of the truth of self, know the truth of others and respect their choices for themselves, so that nothing that you know truly, as being true, is forced unwillingly upon another.  Mmm, Hmm.

The knowledge of the divine is not something for you to strive for, the knowledge of the divine is there for you to realize with ease and with the simple recognition of your own forgotten home reality.

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