
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


The reason that you are frustrated and cannot maintain a divine frequency, is because the you that is frustrated, is not you and cannot be divine. Your false self, ego, identity, mind is the problem that has to be solved and it cannot be resolved when you have so completely identified with it, that you know it, to be you.

You know the process, you are the consciousness, the observer, the space that hosts creation, not the creation. Observe only, do nothing but observe and identify all creations that you perceive, as not you. Whether the creations be thoughts, feelings, attitudes, emotional states etc.... they all get better when you just watch them, once you take ownership of them you are stuck, until you relax back into consciousness by watching.

All efforts to control and manage your experience are the false self in action. It feels like you only because you have held onto it for so long. Recognise it as the false self and watch it dissolve. This can be an alarming experience when you get to the parts that have been operating large parts of your reality, because you feel as if you, are dissolving into nothing and want to fight to keep alive. Relax, it is only a false created identity, that prevented you from having and being your true self.

Even the part of you that is searching for peace and enlightenment is not you. You are already at peace, and enlightened. You just don't know yourself any more. Get aggressive in your watching and see what happens, even watch the false watchers.

Remember, these are just animal bodies that we are cleaning up, they are for us to use as a temple to operate in and to perceive this reality with and through. They have instincts, programs, minds, egos and histories that are interesting but not important. Remember who you are, what you are , that you are, all. If the quality of your experience is not joy for all, you have become the animal. That is not your purpose, wake up.


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