
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

We are here to allow God to manifest as he chooses through this body, we allow it.

It does not matter what it is, we allow God.

We allow all mankind the freedom to be as they choose.

We came here to dive into the depths of unconsciousness to bring all to the light.
We have touched the eye of God and we are it.

We asked God, why are we here lord?
And he says, to realize me.

I ask, is it worth it?
He replied,You receive all,
In the end,
You are,
I am,
Beginning now.

What is the purpose of realizing the divine in the body, I ask?
Divine form,
Divine function,
Divine love,
Divine consciousness,
And the final perfection of creation.

And what of our desires for material success and abundance, I ask?
You will learn to flow the energy of grace, which will provide for all of your needs, he said.

And the body transforms when, I ask?
When you choose to allow it to, he said. You know it well enough now, why not try it? Divinity requires no effort, only complete allowance.

Why not? How much better can the experience of my life be?
Infinitely better, he answers. Beyond your current ability to imagine, just allow all to progress towards conscious perfection.

Is Jesus necessary?
All are included in God, none are excluded. God and heaven are inclusive of all who choose to return to their divine source.

What about the statement that no one comes unto the father except by him?
No one divine is in conflict with any one else that are divine and there are many divine. Are you asking if there is hierarchy, specialness and separation in heaven? There is not, all are divine, all are free, all are equal. When you come unto the father, you are with Jesus and with all other aspects of God. There are no favorite, special, unique, supreme examples of the divine. You are with those that you harmonize with, if you harmonize with a lower frequency you will view a higher frequency as a higher frequency that is all. You always have choice as to your own beingness and frequency and you hang out with your friends that you resonate with.

Who are excluded?
Only those that choose to believe in and experience limitation and separation as their reality. Eventually all come home.

What of our individuality and bodies?
Divinity is the unlimited possibilities of the expression and creation of consciousness, with joy for all as the operating modality.

So we experience what we desire?
Yes always, joy to joy, love to love, grace, beauty and the glory of creation for all.

What if we choose otherwise?
Then you go to a limited, polarized reality of your own free choice. There to experience limitation, failure, conflict and mortality as if it were the only possibility of your existence. You are here by your own choice and your choices keep you here for as long as you continue to choose a dualistic reality. Divinity, is always available to assist those who choose to come home, to find their way. The guides are of no particular significance, they assume the form that is most acceptable to the consciousness requesting assistance.

What guide is answering these questions?
He who glorifies, redeems, reclaims and restores those who request assistance from no particular dogmatic point of view.

So you would appear as a particular divinity if that were my belief system.

Is there not deceit in coming in many forms?
Man chooses what man chooses to believe in. It is never the complete truth, though they always believe that they have all of the truth at each point that their consciousness realizes a portion of the truth. What ever portion of truth a fallen consciousness is willing to receive is given them when they are willing to receive it. When you are willing to receive all truth, it is delivered to you as fast as you are in allowance of it.

And what happens to our loved ones?
All receive as they allow. As you allow for yourself, your loved ones (and everyone else) also naturally allow more, so you are giving them the gift of freedom of consciousness. Which leads to, full realization of truth for them also. Yes, you will have your friends and loved ones with you. Except there will be far more of them than you believe that you have now. Including your very dear friends that you pretend are your enemies here. Who else would you be playing games with if not your best friends? This is a reality of pretense after all.

So there is no evil to fight and resist?
Only as long as the pretence of evil continues by both sides.

What do I do now?
Walk in the knowing that the truth, knowledge, love, peace and joy that you desire are yours, as soon as you are willing for you and all others to receive them. Each individual then progresses in their expansion of consciousness at their own pace and each pace is ideal for each individual consciousness. Your only responsibility is to respect others choices and to allow for divinity to flow through you according to your desire to be free.

And my daily tasks?
Be conscious in each moment and they will also become easier, more efficient, more enjoyable and more pleasurably rewarding. As you choose to live divinely consciousness, you will experience the reality of the divinely embodied, which is the most rewarding experience that a body can have.

And my enemies?
Be conscious, choose freedom, allow freedom, see the freedom in other paths of the expression of who you are here. Do you think that as you change for the better that you will want to maintain the same reality that you have now? Let the lower in consciousness, deal with the lower in consciousness. Choose the freedom of improving circumstances for your self, which means your circumstances have to change. Embrace change for the better, that which expands you as a being, then you will know what do to. Or you can maintain your current reality of struggle and polarized, unconscious conflict.


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