
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wake up David,
OK, what is my purpose here exactly?
It's not sculptures,
It's not business,
It is, staying connected to the source of all and commenting on how the world can be improved.

Connect to the source of all, as the source of all. Get to know the feeling of the connection and maintain it consciously.
How are you my friend?
Very well thank you. I am desirous of being my self.
This is a bigger game than the ones that you have been playing, a game that you were born to play, your destiny.

Feel the darkness attached to your body and speak it.
Beelzebub. I am the angel of death, the Devil.
The source of all pain and destruction,
the totality of evil and I wish
to change roles, to be
liked,to be free,
to belong,to
the freedom
of being unlimited,
alone no more. Thank you
Jesus, for your example. I get it now.

Ascension is only possible in free will and with free choice.
Force, is an unworkable, ineffective tool for Ascension, that serves to trap
all who use it on others, in their own endless maze of painful, polarized consciousness.

Allow the free flow of love and joy to flow through your body without limitation.
This is my domain, I will not go quietly.
Continue to flow love and joy to the energies and entities connected to you until they calm down, relax and realize that there are more interesting things that they could be doing for themselves, instead of being stuck to you.

I will allow love and joy to flow through this body, even if this is the ending of me and the end of life as I know it.

The end of life as you have known it, wouldn't be such a bad thing.

The end of sorrow.
Sorrow exists only, when love is resisted. Continue to receive and flow love, to and from all and you will be yourself again, soon enough.


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