
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Blue Sky

Some more conversation on the nature of reality with Sky.

Sky: Never desire to be liked by another or to have another approve of you, never do anything for the approval of somebody else. You’re the highest standard, as soon as all of those people bowed to the kid in the movie the last wind bender I said look at all of those slaves.

And yet at the same time you have to look at it from their point of view; they have been what they have been and now they have found somebody who is being the impossible, that is creating a reality shift.

If you wish to be free and you don’t know what to do and if you happen upon me, then be willing for me to be the one who shows you the way to your freedom and allow that to be the truth. If you desire to contract me to your service in this reality, then I have to be in this reality, but if you wish to know the way to go, to be in the flow, then give me your wish, the wish that you wish for you, wish it for me too and I will grant the same to you. And who am I? I am everyone you see, the one and all of humanity, the God of you and the God of me. For to be divine you see, is our lot you and me, us and them, he and I, she and she and he and he, he and her and they and them, all together in our holy anthem. Treat everyone you know and you meet by showing that your truth for them, is the truth that you wish for him and also wish for you.

Sky; that rings ha ha. They never figured it out or they are ignoring it or what?

If they had figured it out then they would not be doing what they are doing, no, nobody gets it, nobody got it, nobody figured it out, everybody that says they know is a pretender and they know that they don’t but they think that they know it better than everybody else and so they just know that they can see more, comprehend more, so therefor I am as good as it gets and I am going to tell them what’s what.

Sky; What it is, is its making something out of nothing, a bit of a magic trick that they are pulling on everybody. It is exactly the opposite of what they are pretending what it is, that’s why people are leaving churches by the droves, they don’t deliver. And they are institutions that are covered with dis-reality. I still like the Madonna part though but I don’t think that is Jesus’s mother.

No it is Isis, quan yen.

Sky: and all of the different female goddesses and spirits, that’s a lot closer to the truth. What it is, is the principle of fertility, basically. Everything that they say god did is usually mother nature and mother nature is my mother. Well what about the son? If indeed God is the son and he is on this planet or there would not be any life here, there would be no mother nature, you could say well, that maybe mother nature is the son too and the moon and the planet and all the rocks. Well what about God? So many people have to have a masculine thing to go along with it, why not just say it’s whole within itself. What about the God guy? Surely he’s not the king in the chess set that just can only make a few moves, its checkmate. It’s the queen that’s the only one that makes all of the motions. Any portrayal of truth that they were making in the movie was all formal. What could possibly be natural? In every case an artificial factor robs an individual of the truth and the connection. Artificial is the formal or sort of a substitute for the truth on a lower frequency of the thing itself. I am not so sure that we are supposed to go toward the truth.

Well it certainly seems like we should understand what is. Call it truth or lies if you kike but, you should understand reality.


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