
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Embracing the infinite and finding the divine within

A conversation with Jeff on the experience of our truth.

You and I here to discuss how we can transcend these lives that we are living, or to be more specific; we are here to determine what it takes and if it is appropriate to be here as somewhat more than what we appear to be. What we appear to be here is what we think that we are most of the time and once in a while we get a glimpse of a higher and more infinite reality that is truly a more joyful place to be.

It is easy to say that I would like that to be me here always and so what we have to take a look at Jeff is that's we want, that's what we in fact know our truth is and yet there is no one demonstrably on this earth being and living divine truth as their truth, truly. So we know that this is our truth, or at least once in a while we know it and we would like to know it continuously as our beingness and presence and identity here. Not so that we can be unjustly or unfairly better than others here, but simply so that we can be here as our eternal truth, which seems like it it would be OK to live what is in fact your truth here, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't it seem like that is your God given right as it were, to live your life truly? And yet instead of that we are here and interacting with reality as a compromise of our reality here based upon identities that we pretend to be and then get other people to agree that this is what we are. And so when we then interact with them we pretend that they are who and what they are pretending to be and are thus somewhat unable to be here enjoying and creating reality here as you wish it to be moment to moment. And so they walk around a little angry with each other because their lives are not exactly what they want. 

What that means Christian is that your life is your life and you should spend most of it doing it your way; you should choose to have your idea of a beautiful life be superior to the choices of anyone else. What you need to do is to watch and choose carefully the people that you choose to commit to, because each one of them wishes for you to be what you appear to be and to act in that role for as long you are in a relationship with them. If you choose to interact with people who are of a high enough consciousness to know a little bit about their truth, then you will be free to interact with other people who are equal in their desire for their truth to be what they live by themselves. 

What that means is anyone you can't laugh with, anyone you can't play with, anyone that dislikes you more than they like you, you don't need to have anything to do with. You don't need to interact with them, you don't need to listen to them and you don't need to do what they wan't you to do. Now those who wish the very best for you, those are the one's that you wan't to hold onto and say; " I like who you are, what you are and enjoy the time I spend with you and so you have at your level of consciousness an open invitation from me to interact freely. 

One lesson Jeff that you have to learn is that you are the boss of your life and in this case you are the grownup and it is OK to say to Christian; here is the way that it is, come on. Or you could relax and let him do what he wants to do and let him take another shower. Just as a not to self, you are not acting as if you are in command of your reality. Don't get stuck in the justifying of your reality, What we are looking at and what we are here to is to wake up right now in this moment, we are not looking for ways to gradually improve our lives, we are looking for ways to know the truth in this moment, OK? So take responsibility for that and choose that as your reality and don't let anything interfere with that choice, that choice is preeminent, it improves everything about your life including his. 

You don't have anybody else who cares enough about you in a way where they know how you can be the way you wan't to be other than me, so the times that we have together, is the time that you have to be free in that moment to transcend the you that you have become as a result of your choices and then to allow yourself to choose in this moment what and how it is going to be for you. How is it going to be for you? How is it going to be right now, let alone tomorrow, next week, next month. How is it going to be right now? To what degree are you willing to let go of the self that you are in this moment so thatbyou can know your truth? 

Because based upon the beingness that you are exhibiting this is not your truth and this is not a judgement, it's just an observation; you have taken on an identity that is not your truth and there is no reason to be defensive about that and maintain that identity as being right despite the fact that you are not here as your truth. As soon as you can begin to open up to and accept the fact that you are living a lie and that you are not who you are, then you can begin to open up again and allow your truth to move through you. Allow that truth, the truth that blesses everyone that you interact with, to transmute you into to a actual reasonably good manifestation of your eternal truth. Instead of what we are in this moment.

Do we truly believe that we have a transcendent truth? A glorious truth? An infinite awareness, knowledge and ability? Power and creativity? Do we rely believe that there is such a thing as us truely in that reality, from that reality, living in and as that reality? Is that where we are from? We wouldn't be asking the question if weren't. So what I am asking you is; is it too late for you? Yes it is, it is too late for the you that you have been, however it's not too late for your truth to take responsibility for your manifestation here. Let those identities, those points of view, those attitudes, those considerations about who you are and how life is for you, let them go.

We are going to have to move away from our pretenses about who we are in this reality if we are going to have the message that you wan't to here come through. It depends on what you can do, if we can sit outside or let him take a shower or bath? 

Jeff, that is something that I have wrestled with for a long, long time.

That is the whole problem, you are trying to figure it out. It is impossible to figure out, there is resolution through the mind that you have created. There is an answer for it, but it is not through figuring it out. It is through recognizing that the guy that's trying to figure it out is in a confused state of consciousness and that you have to let go of yourself as that confusion in order to come back to the knowledge of your own truth. You are not confused.

Jeff, what I mean by that as I step back and become the observer, I can see the truth of what you saying, that I am not being who I really am, I am not living my truth.

Of course you are not, neither am I, so here is the issue; here is the deal, you do get it, you do get to transcend, you do get to be the ultimate truth, but the only way you get it is to let go of you. In order to be the ultimate truth, you have to transcend the beingness of what you are and if you don't let go of the beingness of what you are, you can't be the beingness of truth now can you? 

Jeff, the impotence...

We are not talking about your past, we are talking about your present, we are talking about right now. Because the only way that we can make this shift is right now, we are not talking about the future or why it did not work in the past, we are talking about how we have a transcendental experience in this moment. One that changes us enough that we are able to walk around if not in our truth, but at least knowing that we have one that is different than this. That is a pretty good first step, OK? To walk around always knowing that we are not walking in our truth as this identity. Can we relax out of this identity? Can we relax out of this pretense? Can we let go of this beingness that we have become here? 

Jeff, there is something lacking in my ability in my ability to initiate the change, looking at you, you are not living your reality either, so you say.

But there is something interesting happening?

Jeff, there are thing happening, I see that too, but I have always seen that in you. There has not been a time where I have not seen you accomplish, I have seen you accomplish, you set you mind to do something and you make a plan and in an instant, you execute.

I am largely unsuccessful with it though, as bright as I am and with what I know I should have any amount of money that I could wish to have.

Jeff, there are parts of energy that you pass over or there are a few things missing in the formula but at least you go into action and you accomplish it. That is what is what I admire about you.

I appreciate it, thank you.

Jeff, that is what I wish I had. You do things, you might call them attempts, but I see a lot of things where you have pure courage where you follow a lead or an idea and you turn it into something. That's what I did when I started my company, I had an idea and I had a purchase order and I made it happen because of the power of my knowledge. That was one time in my life where I turned it on and made it happen. 

What would you like to turn on now?

Jeff, honestly, my music is calling out to me and my healing abilities.

OK, can we get back to the moment instead of talking about our lives? I did hear what you said and What I would actually like to do is see if there is something about it.

Talk instead of how it is and what it is like, into what you want right now, what you wish for as an experience of this reality and of an experience of yourself. How do you want to experience yourself in this moment? Now if will help you any, I will tell you how I want to experience myself in this moment; infant to experience myself in this moment as the the most conscious, causative, miraculous self that I have ever been, that ever has been, that ever will be. I want to be here a eternity. So it sounds strange I know, but if you allow for that to possibly be true for me, in will allow for your wish to be true also and we will see what happens. 

Your wish is the same one, you wish for your truth, you wish for the presence of self to be that which knows eternity. To be that which is here as a completed state of perfection. Now to make that transition, you have to already be that. It's and interesting conundrum; to make that transition, you already have to be that and in truth you are that already, what is. Is and what it is is a perfect completion of you as you are, here and now perfectly done. Wow, it's a completed, perfected manifestation of the man that you came here to be, all of the way up to the present. You're here, you're real, you're manifested as the totality of your choices. Congratulations, it's perfect. Now that you know that the path to your truth is acknowledging the perfection of your manifestation as being the perfect realization of your previous choices, you can then realize that it is your choices only that define your reality and so as you go wow this is perfect, then you go wow here is how it can be a little bit better and then you choose that. 

That's how perfection happens, it happens through the release that you give to yourself by saying this is perfect, this is the perfect realization of the me that I chose to be here, well done, now what? You are completed, alpha and omega, here is a new beginning now. You acknowledged your perfect completion, whats the new beginning? What's the new beginning Jeff? What's the new beginning, the old is past and we are in a new present and it is right now and so what I would like as your present to me, your presence of divinity and all you have to do is not say no to it. Feel it what is the presence of Jeff's divinity? Allow me to know that, allow me to know the divinity of the eternal Jeff, whatever that is. Mmm OK that is the Jeff that I wish to be with, transcendent and glorious, more than wonderful. Such so that your very presence here makes it impossible for me to hold on to any lies about myself. Interesting. Your truth, the eternal truth of you makes it impossible for me to hold onto the lie of who I am here.

 You have an interesting dilemma here Jeff, despite the fact that you live in a perfect reality as the perfect manifestation of the perfection of all of your choices up until now, when you come here as your eternal truth; this is a horror show, this is so far from what you would do if you knew yourself truly, but you have to come here as that, with where you are  in this moment, in order for there to be a transition into a more enjoyable reality for you. Does that make sense?

End part one.

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