
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Be still

You are God the father, God the son, God the holy ghost. Also the lost, the fallen and the damned. When you bring all of the separate parts of yourself together again, you are free.

You play all of the parts at the same time, which you can only do in the silence of your meditations. If you are anything less than all, you are not whole. The whole of all is reflected in the universe of your body and mind. When you are whole, there you are the embodiment of the divine.

Each aspect of yourself in separation, acts out it's part and role:
God the father presides and holds the divine flow in both male and female expressions. God the son contacts the fallen, lost and damned and God the holy ghost transmutes the creations and manifestations made in lower consciousness for those who choose to accept the gift of restoration. The lost look for the way out, the fallen look up for guidance and the damned pull the plug on their determined resistance to a free flowing reality. All aspects playing their part within the reality of your body and mind, transform your form.

It is your job to be still, observe all aspects, know them and allow each of them to merge in turn with the others in harmonious integration. You as God the father, observe all else from the center of your brain. You also experience and observe as each aspect activates and petitions God for redemption. To begin this as an experienced reality, you meditate on the center of your brain until it activates and becomes the transmuting power of the holy ghost.

First your awareness goes in, when all that is false is transmuted, the awareness then turns outward and observes physical reality as from the temple of the divine. At that point God is walking on earth.

This is not and instant process, as it progress only as fast as you can take responsibility for every decision that you made in separation and as that choice, choose to reunite with the whole.

Keep you third eye single to the glory of God.
Be still and know that you are God and your whole body will be filled with light.


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