
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, December 01, 2008


Relax about the hardness in life, that is what is sticking you. Life as we know it is hard, so what? Relax and provide a service that others will pay for so that you will survive well.

Relax about the wrongness of others and it will change for the better for all of you.

Relax about the wrongness in life, release it from your curse and it will improve.

Relax about the wrongness of God and you will be the creator of your reality, as you know you all ready are.

Relax about the expectation and projections of others, they are not the whole picture or they would be a blessing of freedom to everyone.

Relax about the wrongness of your self, you were wrong about your being wrong. In fact, you are right on target.

Relax about everything, no one is likely to kill a relaxed and happy body.

The embodiment of God we are. The presence of God is here.

Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? Ask of the other: "Where has he seen us through divine eyes?"



  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    did you send this to jerome (jacquie)?
    if you didn't, i would like to...


  2. I stoped sending out my writings a year or two ago. I assumed if some
    one want to read them they can subscribe to my blog like you did. you
    are welcome to send it to anyone.

