
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Vedeena wrote:

Interesting. How does one gain the ability to master one self?

One has the ability to master oneself already.
Removal of all education is a good start, including all ideas, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, considerations...

Then you could ask what self is, in this relative world and you may find that there is nothing of what you perceive self to be that actually is you. You could say that self is the body and its perceptions and communications and that would be a good place to start since it is the focal point of your experience here.

How do you control the body? perception and then refusal to go into agreement with anything that pretends to be you. Just like training a dog, you refuse to let it do anything that it wants to do until it calms down and lets you lead it. You are the master and all parts, entities, systems, mechanisms, training patterns and instincts have to experience that before you are accepted as the master. A good master leads by loving allowance and awareness once he is recognized by the other consciousnesses in the body.

How would the ascended master leave the point of inability and become "able" to accomplish anything - really?

He would cease struggling once he perceived that he was unable to instantly manifest his desires. When one "doesn't know" it is a reminder to you that you have lost your divine consciousness, from being lost there is no action that you can do to save yourself except to submit yourself to the mercy of divine freedom and wait without wavering in your focus or putting any effort or intention into the process. Divine consciousness will then guide you home through many little quantum jumps in consciousness until you wake up as your eternal divine awareness once again. A divine master has no cause to push, nothing to save, nothing to prove and will not interfere with a persons choices and their reality here, unless it was a pre arranged meeting that the other had agreed to prior to coming here.

As for the disciple - I have the same question. Some disciples may have wallowed in their poor fortune and not seen a way out of their predicament, despair and die in utter poverty. Others work and work and work and receive no riches. What makes the difference?

People are restrained only by themselves and all experiences here are the right ones for those experiencing them. The restraint comes from pre birth choices that control reality, otherwise everyone would be making better choices than they do.

Nothing I have said is the truth of course, although it may result in the experience of a more expanded truth if applied.

Pleasant regards.


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