
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

False selves

> Steve Adams
> David,
> ??????
> With Love,
> Nathaniel


It's kind of a long story, the short and the long of it is;(short) I am
experimenting with different ways to kill the false self. One way that
seems to be valid, is to take on different names and then look for the
parts of you that can't make the change, they are not you and you can
then realize that they are in fact something other than you, which
allows you to then let them go. If they were really you, you couldn't
do it.

Kind regards,
I one

Here is something that may help explain further ;( long )

This is your life; you are the one who gets to fix it. Yes, you have
all of the capabilities that you need and no you will not fail in your
purpose here. You do prevail over life's ending.

You have to realize that the you that is in pain and suffering is not
you. Your personage as you know it is a construct only. Your person-age
is not you it is only a character that you let or don't let take part
in the play of life.

If you don't like the character, you change it by realizing that it is
not you, as you embrace it with your observation. In truth I am not me.
All of your actors of personality while on the road to enlightenment
are looking as limited beings, pretending to be the source or truth of
you. This of course is backwards.

The personality-'s are generally misfit character actors with very
little range of expression. Try this as a mantra and watch the body,
mind and subtle bodies for a response; "I am not real" all that
responds to that is a creation that is not you.

If you are experiencing failure in this reality, you are pretending to
be something other than you and that pretense is only that, a temporary
creation, a character in the dream of yourself. Your eternal self
successfully creates and operates realities as it chooses to.

Ask your body and its parts what can we all do to make it better for
all of us here? You and your body are a team; it wants to work with
you. Treat it as a willing partner here in your experience of life.
Communicate with it, listen, ask, commune.

Try this mantra; "This is my universe" and let go of all of the
hypnotic programming of all of your education. Let go of all of the
beingnesses that cause tension in the body. That doesn't mean make them
leave it means let them loose, respect them and they will either
quickly leave or stay around in harmony.

Your problems are not the problem; it is the beingness that cannot
resolve them easily. Pay attention to that. The false self-s almost
never leave before body death, before body death they only leave when
fully owned by you and then willingly released as you experience them as
both you and not you. When embraced in allowance all consciousness self
corrects to enlightenment


not me

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