
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Groups, truth and you

We are individuated so that we can associate with those that we are most comfortable with. The purpose is to facilitate harmony. However when more than two points of view are gathered together, there are more “others” than self and an immature consciousness begins to seek alliances with those it perceives as similar to its self to thus strengthen the self and weaken the others.

This results in a group focus on one agreed upon similarity, a similarity that they have that they determine is better than all the others and the group suppresses the individuality of all of its members so as to have a uniform standard that all in the group can meet and obey. The cost is the freedom of expression for the individual members.

That is why there must be a graduation from the group for the progression of the individual, once that individual has learned all he needs from the groups knowledge. For non graduating members of the group, this is seen as a falling away from the truth, when in fact the opposite is the case. For a group member to embrace a greater truth than is known by the group, the individual member must move beyond the limitations of group consciousness and group limitations.

Both the individual and the group are saddened by the separation, but the departing member is on a joyful adventure of expanding possibilities while the group maintains the status quo. This is not true for all departures, the group offers structure, security, education and support for members and until one is mature enough to handle these responsibilities for himself, the group membership has many benefits. Once one has left a group, one must systematically challenge all group rules, beliefs, truths, and enemies to determine which if any are worth keeping in your new reality.
There are no “greater truths” found in groups, only relative ones. Along with some words that do their best to describe greater or absolute truths. The words themselves are not the truth they never are, truth is experienced, not spoken. Words at best can only point to where truth can be experienced.

If you are in a group and not growing, consider graduating yourself or reexamining if there is any material or experiences available there that are worth examining. It does not take a lot of time to determine this.

Once you find yourself alone, go within, with observation only. There you will find what you are seeking and what no “other” can give you.


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