
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

You are healed when you lovingly embrace another with the very best that you can give. When you give others the very best that you have, submit to all of the rightness that can come to you from others. When you reach the still point, let the communication be; I choose to be present here as all that I am.

Choosing to be present someplace doesn't mean that you have to displace anyone else. It just happens that when you are arround, everyone is enlightened, including you. Show them by your actions that you are the one that they predicted would come. You have to allow your enemy to make it first, that is the only way that you are going to make it as divine beings have no enemies or opposition, they have transcended it.

If you have an enemy, be divine about it and let him win. Embrace everything that there is about your enemy until he becomes you and you become him. You can if you let go of "Your Cause" and transcend relativity.

Hold your temple to the temple of another in love and you will heal each other.

It's Ok to let your enemy win when you both win by his winning, bless everyone with your love. I'll let you be right, so long as we both win, should be your operating mode.

Touch your lover every time like it was the first time, because this time is the only one that matters.


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