
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Crazy Rhino

Re: [divine] Spirit Master...........David------ Crazy Rhino

Hello Nathaniel,

I have played Rhino-mania myself and it is a great game. A better one
seems to be; what is this, what is its purpose, how does it work, how
does it relate to me. How can I change it or operate it, should I
change it?

To play this Game, you make yourself smaller than anyone or anything
else and yet are all pervasive. You disturb no one, activate nothing
and appear invisible to anything that is being anything. With this
game you have access to all of the answers, no one apposes you, in
fact you are separate from any Game, kind of like God.

When God is being a mouse or a rhino, how free are either one of
them? They are both ultimate losers in the game of life. It seems
like the rhino has an advantage but he is so easy to target that we
worry about them going extinct. Mice on the other hand are impossible
to get rid of no matter how hard we try.

Who is calling the shots in my life? a very good question, its not my
conscious mind as much as I wish it were. If it were, there would be
a number of quantum changes in most areas of my life, in fact I could
say that my life would be unrecognizable compared to my current self
with complete wholesale changes on all levels if myself were truly in
control. My control over my life seems to be directly correlated with
my absolute surrender of control. Go figure

As far a reprogramming of reality goes, there we are brothers in arms,
not the arms of war, but armed with knowledge, awareness,
understanding, wisdom and respect for all others choices as well as our own.

Kind regards,

Not even a mouse

> BinaH (David),
> OR you can just step out of?'Yourself'.
> Let me ask you this.... Just how much Authority do you have
in 'Your Life'? Do you believe 'your Power' over 'your life' is equal
to your Authority? Now with that in Mind..... Just who is calling the
shots in 'Your Life'? Who is deciding to process through.....
whatever you decide is an obstacle? Just Who decided it was an
obstacle to begin with and?Why do you choose for anything to remain
as an obstacle?
> Do you choose to be a Mouse that chews through your obstacles or Do
you choose to be a Rhino that just plows over them in?which ever way
you decide to go. Myself.....?When?it comes to obstacles?I like to
think of myself as a Crazy?Wild Eyed?Rhino on Crack?that just?races
around to where ever I decide to go?obliterating any Obstacle and?
twitching with excitement as I wait?for the next Fool of an obstacle
to show up from any direction. (As I type this I think of that
Spanish Bull off of the Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Cartoon Show,
Twitching and racing around every time the red cape is shown with?
Wild?red?eyes?and then sitting fiendishly at the?Grinding wheel
sharpening his horn in between rounds?chuckling to himself as he
turns his horn over and over on the wheel.)
> Mouse or Rhino??... One will chew a neat little hole in the Wall
and make a?home of it?and the other will just knock the wall down and
trample it into dust. Sovereignty, Audacity, and Persistence. And ask
yourself this.... Just what exactly are your limits as this Divine
Being that you are? Then with whatever answer you come up with....
Ask yourself, Why don't I act like it then?
> With Love,
> Nathaniel
> P.S.- You don't just have the Power to create/Manifest your
life.... You have the Power to completely Reprogram Reality. Green
Sky, Blue Earth, and orange waters....?Rock Flowing as water and Air
that you can climb. To the Being that you Truly are these things are
mere child's play. As I have said before..... Your Imagination is not
the limit.

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