
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You cannot be divine with a fixed attitude

Relax into the embodiment of divine grace and harmony. All that you are looking for is found there.

You are not experiencing divinity now, so it is either outside of your body or blocked from your awareness.

Divinity stays unmanifest until all gross frequencies willingly submit to divinity as a superior ay to live. If things can be better than they are for you now, then as your current consciousness, submit or surrender yourself to a better way.

You cannot be divine with a fixed attitude, ideas, thoughts or beingness, as these anchor you in lower consciousness. They all have to be surrendered to a better way. This includes your attachments to others in lower consciousness; they are a reflection of your own stuck and fixed limitations. You can reconnect later after you have transcended your own limitations.

Divinity is an individual choice, an individual experience. It is not done for or by another for you. That may seem odd since you are surrendering to divinity that seems to be outside of you, but the divinity that you are surrendering to is you, the truth of you. Only your confusions and misidentifications are let go of so that the clarity of eternal truth can be known again.

As long as it can get better, you continuously keep surrendering to the better in you. It is only yourself imposed limitations that are causing you pain, as others have no power over you without them. Keep letting them go, they all are fully under your control.


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