
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Contextualized truth

To the degree that a contextualized truth can free you; use it. To the degree that after you have used that contextualized truth to free yourself and find your truth then limited by that contextualized truth, then abandon it and look for that next truth that will free you from your current level of limitation. To the degree that you hold onto a contextualized truth past its usefulness in freeing you to the degree that it is capable of, it then becomes your limitation.

If your wish is to self realize ultimate truth, then all contextualized truth, all limited truths, all temporal truths need to pass away and be left behind by you as the steps on the stairway to heaven that you utilized to get from where you were, to where you wanted to be. If you hold onto a limited truth, then there you will remain forever on the stairway of becoming and never being your truth. All masters, all guru’s, all guides, all teachings, all truths, need to be left behind in order to experience the truth of all.

The only opposition that you have to your embodiment of divine truth, is the opposition that you create by the beingness that you believe yourself to be and then demanding of it to be your truth. When you cease to demand a story or belief to be truth, then you can transcend to a higher reality unopposed. The purpose of your limitations and the barriers you have to your transcendence is to have them guide you to let go of what you are carrying that is false. You cannot enter heaven carrying a pack full of lies, partial truths, half truths, or beliefs. You can only enter naked, without a predisposition or pretence that you already have and know the ultimate truth.

Unless you allow for the possibility of a greater truth, than the one that you are currently embodying, then you will not move from the place that you are in. Ultimate freedom is only found through ultimate surrender, which is the letting go of all the limitations that create the reality that you wish to transcend.

There is no divine purpose served in bringing your disabilities, your confusions, your unconsciousness, and your limitations into the realms of the infinite. You leave those before you enter that gate. The Ascended Master was able to ascend because he left behind that which was unwilling to transcend the reality of duality and so you cannot even trust the words of those who are said by their followers to have made it, because at the point that they did, they were no longer talking about it and prior to their ascension, they were still carrying a degree of their own confusion and identification, with forms, personalities and beingness. So there is no truth to follow other than your own experience of that which frees you.

Hold onto nothing, save your desire to be free and let the universe, the universal consciousness, show you the way.


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