
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

We are all liars

> From: CNEWMAN@...
> Subject: Re: [divine] David's a fakir

> Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 12:43 PM

> As a member of the Permanent Staff of the Messenger I attended many, many
staff meetings where the Messenger had to point out to a wayward chela errors in
their thinking (and in mine). To have a living Guru with the mantle of the
Great White Brotherhood to lovingly, but firmly make corrections in ones
thinking is a blessing beyond measure. Sometimes the ray of chastisement that
came upon us left us shaking in our boots. The teaching and instructions that
went along with these corrections provided all of the Staff with a sense of
"co-measurement" and an understanding of the errors in the human consciousness
that lead us astray. Again and again the Messenger emphasized that sometimes it
is not so much what we say but the VIBRATION behind what we say. We may be
wearing our smiley face, and saying something in our sweetest sounding voice,
but the vibration behind it was totally wrong and she instantly picked up on it
and rebuked the chela for it.Â
> Truth mixed with error is error. Truth is truth. The slightest vibration
of error can lead a student astray and we can make karma for it. I do not
claim to be a guru or to have perfect attunement. I am trying to give you the
benefit of my 36 years in service under the Messenger. I was not always in
good favor with the Messenger and I had to be corrected. We call upon the law
of forgiveness, do a penance of hours of Violet Flame decrees, and move on. We
do not condemn or belittle ourselves. We do not sit on the pity pot because we
got burned by the fire of chastisement. We are worthy. God in us is
worthy. When you say things like "I am always wrong" you are taking God's name
"I AM" in vain. When you say "I am" you are saying "God in me is" and when you
make that statement your are saying "God in me is always wrong". The fallen
ones put these kinds of projections into our minds so that we "self-deny" the
God in ourselves. We
> are learning discernment and discrimination as we are in the process of
coming into alignment with our unique Christ identity. We are learning to make
right choices and right decisions. When you claim that you are always wrong
you are denying the Christ in you that is right.
> Carlton
> On Wed 04/07/10 8:55 AM , "David" immanuall@gmail. com sent:

> Dear Carlton,
> Just to set the record straight; I enjoy your writings, some of them even
enlighten and inspire me, but until you discredit yourself and your beliefs as
having anything to do with eternal truth, you are as misguided as I am. We are
all wrong here, none are right, even Jesus doesn't want your worshiping of his
life here, he only wants your truth to be known to you so that eternal truth is
actualized and manifest here.
> Until our presence alone enlightens and brings into the consciousness of
others their own eternal truth and perfection, we are all liars and we should
not pretend to be otherwise. To condemn another's path, is to condemn ourselves.
To the degree that I dismiss your path and truth do I inhibit mine. So to
clarify my position clearly it is; I am always wrong, always have been and
always will be, until you see in me your own eternal truth. At that time we will
share a redemption to the divine realms that will at least be sublime and at
most will be nothing that has been known to be manifest before.
> You are the only one who will realize your truth and you are on your path
perfectly, we others are only reflections for you to contemplate on as to how we
can also be perfectly right on our path, despite in our seeming or
overwhelmingly apparent wrongness in your eyes.
> I am that I am not me.
> David

jeanne webster wrote:
> okay, I've been seriously lost here for quite some time...what's the point of
all this?
> Â
> Jeanne

Hi Jeanne,
The point is, what works in knowing yourself as a divine being? This site is
titled Divine revelation and these are discussions regarding exactly what it is
the reveals divinity to you. My point is that it is not proven by results
achieved by following the truths and dogma promoted by others, even if they are
guru's, saint's or God's messengers.

It seems to me that they all enslave their followers by setting themselves up as
the source of truth for them, which prevents the follower from contacting the
actual source of truth for themselves. Truth is revealed individually, not to
groups as is proven by the fact that each group has one leader that is their
source of truth and no one else is worthy to the same degree. That is just my
experience and others like the group process and each of us prefers what we are
doing to the other option.

If you are divine in origin, and are lost; call home for directions and
reconnection without saying; even though I am lost I know what the truth is.
Don't block youself from receiving divine revelation by proscribing what it is
before you experience it for yourself. If the person telling you what the truth
is actually knew it for himself, he would not have the need to proclaim that
fact to others, it would radiate from his being without words.



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