
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

In defence of Tares

CNEWMAN@... wrote:
> Are you deaf? Jesus was no pacifist. He stood his ground against
> evil and rebuked it saying: "Get thee behind me Satan" (MT 16:23).
> You spout the lie of the fallen ones that we are all one. The
> children of God are all one in Christ; we have no part with the
> fallen angels and their tares. We live in the realms of duality; of
> relative good and evil. We must learn discernment of what is good
> and what is evil so that we learn to do only that which is good and
> eschew that which is evil. You are still asleep, my friend.

Hello Carleton,

I am a fallen fool it is true, but a fool with without fear of shadows, light or
darkness. The stories told of old and repeated endlessly to politically control
the masses are not interesting to me. Of interest to me is; what is and truth be
told, this is a world of sleeping souls who have consciously chosen to be
unconsciousness and give their responsibility for the cause of their life to
others, so be it. (Until they choose to awaken and then so be that)It is
interesting to contemplate how the evils that seem to dominate our sleeping
reality here are deemed more important than the revelation of infinite
possibilities of joyful beauty that awaits only our attention on them to
blossom, but that is another story.

The last I heard and I heard it from a very high source, was that Satan, the
devil and Lucifer all went to God to air their differences with him and you know
what? The same thing happened to them as happens to everyone else who confronts
eternal truth; they were transformed by divine truth back into their own eternal
truth and were redeemed to their original divine perfection and now reign in
heaven again as restored prodigal sons, back from their adventures in dream
land, go figure. It just doesn't seem fair to me, but Jesus himself told me it
was true and who am I to argue with him, as he always has all of the answers
(now that his body is out of the way) and me, I am only my sleeping self who
stirs the pot occasionally and then smokes it.

Seriously Carlton, do you really think that an eternal being can be affected in
any way that they don't agree to be by another against their will? We choose to
come here to experience things and if we had those experiences as our divine
selves, then they wouldn't be very real or serious to us would they? The only
way to have life and death experiences are to go to a life and death place, it's
like the movies; the more you are into the reality of it, the more real and
exciting it is for you. For me I prefer comedies and adventures over horror and
destruction flicks. Except in my own pretences of being me and there I am pure
and absolute destruction of self.

As for the evils of others, it doesn't really matter to me, can you condemn the
unconscious who in their confused pain and anger unknowingly destroy themselves
and others? They are easily dealt with on a personal level; perceive them, know
what they are and treat them accordingly by not sharing their lives with them. I
like the answer of the Dali Lama who when asked why he will not fight for Tibet
answered; don't you know that war is an outmoded concept? He was right, better
to move to another neighborhood when the one you are in wants to kill you and
better to love your fallen brothers than to demonize them, even when they are
worthy of that name. Misguided they may be, but the same will we be if we share
their reality and fight them. Make love, not war.

Selflessly yours,

No one here,
but a name.

(not even sure I have a soul, it might be in my other suit)

David zzz

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:32 PM


    RIGHT-O. There is nothing that One's consent cannot be given to, nor anything that One's consent can be withdrawn. Why fight for what's 'right', when what is 'right' is not to fight.... (another Nathaniel'ism)... LOL

    OOOOOO... the games we play and the labels we call them....... LOL.. Stir that pot some more and pass it along. Puff Puff pass, brother. :-)~


    With Love,
